Originally Posted by migol24
This is the TXDot plan and not the actual burying of I-35 that some locals proposed, which I assumed was what the other user was referring to.
In case you don't understand the schematics, I will give you the CliffsNotes version. TxDOT is placing the main lanes below grade (burying) throughout the central core. Bridges across the 'Big Ditch' will be wider, with decent bike and ped facilities and other amenities (Stitches). TxDOT will also construct frontage roads at the surface, mostly in the form of a two-way boulevards on one or the other side of the 'Big Ditch'. The City and possibly UT will have the option of 'Capping' the 'Big Ditch' in various locations along the corridor. The 'Caps' will likely be primarily open space, but low-rise buildings in some locations may also be possible. The City has already secured $105 M from DC to pay for the 'Caps' between Cesar Chavez and 4th. They are also seeking a $192 M loan from the State of Texas for capping infrastructure along the whole corridor and are considering a bond election for approximately $500 M for the rest of the 'Capping' program. UT is studying 'Caps' between MLK and Dean Keeton but has not yet publicly announced an agreement with TxDOT nor a funding source. But UT probably has greater funding potential than the City.
So it is happening, especially from the viewing point towards Rainey construction.