1101 S. Wabash
Very active compared to the last time I was at the site, looked like they were pulling large pieces of timber off the site, possibly old foundation from whatever had been there before the two story parking garage?
30 East, 30 East Balbo:
All glassed up, but there were still workers on the site. I looked at the renderings and the building has a decent way to go on the exterior being that all the concrete is supposed to be covered up by some sort of metal cladding, unless they VE'd that, in which case this is going to be an even worse project in my eyes.
1136 S Wabash:
One of the better buildings going up along Wabash in the south loop, hardly saying anything though, as it's a pretty standard SCB design :/
Was lucky going by today, had about 4 or 5 concrete trucks feeding this site non-stop today. Will suck to see the mural go away though.
800 S. Financial
A bit hard to see due to the quality of the picture, but it's there trust me!
Linea: Almost all glassed up! Looks so tiny for a 30+ story building