Originally Posted by Chicago103
Rahm held his own in the debate but almost seemed slightly timid or awkward in the way he talks, he must not like debates, its hard to believe that someone who has such a tough guy image looking a little nervous in a debate.
I've met Rahm a couple times and know a few people who've worked with him. I think the tough guy image is way overblown, and really misunderstood. He has no real results to show for the things he's supposedly been tough on (unless you consider backing DLC policies in the Clinton administration being tough). I see it more as just going with the crowd in an animated and colorful fashion. He was brought into the Obama administration to wrangle votes in Congress, get legislation pushed through, and keep everyone on message. That didn't work out too well (especially since he opposed the Healthcare bill and watered down the Financial Reform bill).
Originally Posted by Chicago103
for one thing she said that she didn't consider Chicago's financial situation to be a crisis
CMB's track record on handling ANYTHING financial, either personally or in choosing people to run them for her, is horrendous. Probably felonious as well. She would run the city into the ground.
Originally Posted by Chicago103
Then there is Del Valle who has a few passionate points but is still bragging about being the poorest candidate. He attacks people for having more money than him and says its about grass roots support, he fails to realize that both are actually important. Then there is the fact that he also goes along with Braun in the anti-charter school rhetoric.
DelValle's "man of the people" routine is a bit overblown, and does get tiresome. On the plus side he is the candidate who has the best knowledge of the budget and knows all the players in city government. He knows where there is fat to be cut and slackers to be driven out. I would love to see him put in charge of the next city budget, either as mayor or in another City Hall position. He is an honest guy, and comes across much better when you talk to him in person.
I think Chico could do a good job, although he had some problems navigating the day to day politics while he was working at City Hall and made more enemies than he should have. Right now I'm torn between Chico and DelValle. I think Rahm could do a good job, but I'm not sure.
BTW - the track record on Charter Schools in Chicago is not good. Magnets and Academies have been proving to be much more effective. I'm not inherently opposed to the concept of Charter Schools, but the city really needs to eliminate them or completely rethink the way they're being implemented.