Originally Posted by harls
If (ever) the province decides to make some sort of interchange at the Perimeter with hwy 2 and 3, what's going to happen with that Petro-Can/Humpty's place.. will they have to be expropriated? No big loss as their pancakes suck.
I would close the access from 2 entirely.. feed it into the new 3/perimeter interchange.
I am not the expert here but seems to be enough land south of Humpty's to just leave them in place, the west side of the intersection could be the bigger problem in and interchange here. I am not fully aware of the traffic patterns but might it be possible to make Hwy 3/McGillvary a "left only" over pass and Hwy 2 a full interchange instead?
Originally Posted by Reignman
This. Couldn't agree more Cory. I understand everybody wants direct, easy access from residential areas to these "expressways". However if streets like Lag, Bishop are to ever truly function as intended it will take compromise by residents and the political will to see these infrastructure improvements through. The latter seems to be the toughest part!
I really like Biffs idea for Lag...would be a huge improvement over the current mess. Next up would be what to do with the Grassie/Springfield/CPT nightmare. Honestly with CPT now open I can't believe Springfield @ Lag is still a signalized intersection. Is the plan to cut Springfield access eventually?
Thre reality everyone needs to face is if you give up the shortest access path (ie Almey @ Lag, River @ Bishop) in trade of the expressways being able to move traffic faster the overall impact to your total compute team should be minimal. It is the same idea with every small crossing on the Perimeter, elminating a lot of them would make the Perimeter safer for everyone including the handful of people each closing inconviences.
As for Grassie/Springfied/CPT start with a full interchange at CPT then make Grassie and Springfield both left only no overpass routing the traffic through the CPT/Lag interchange if they need to left turn or cross over. The side effect there being that traffic that does not need to be on collector streets (Grassie/Springfield) would be strongly encouraged to use the expressway.
I too am shocked that Springfield is still a signaled intersection. I suspect the businesses on the eastern portion of Springfield pushed strongly to keep that access. I really wish they would close the Springfield closing completely with traffic for south bound Lag needing left turn access to Springfield being able to to it at McIvor and then use and access road east of Lag to get to Springfield. Not a perfect solution but solves the issue with the near useless light so close to CPT.
Originally Posted by esquire
Apart from the interchange issue though, I can't believe that Lag is still only 4 lanes the way it was in the 70s. How has there not been any discussion about turning it into a 6 lane road? The congestion between Marion and the north Perimeter is so bad it makes me feel sorry for anyone who has to contend with that every day.
I think the existing grade seperations are exactly why Lag has not been expanded. The Perimeter overpass, the rail overpass south of Lag, the bridge under the CN line south of Marrion and the overpass at the south Perimeter all can only handle four lanes. If you increase the number of lanes between those points you are just creating choke points. The only real hope is having really long exit/merge lanes between the choke points to seperate out the through traffic to try and get it flowing better.