Originally Posted by skyhigh07
Yeah, I’ve been thinking the same thing and understand where you’re coming from. The cap feels like it’s blanketing the entire area in a rambling greenspace and a potion of Delaware Ave will become some kind of tunnel. I’m fine with capping I-95, but I think it’s a missed opportunity to activate Delaware Ave for useful development. In fact, it’ll likely make it less pedestrian friendly. Instead of capping over Delaware Ave, I would have like to have seen more investment in capping over other parts of I-95.
Who's to say the portion closer to Front St or even the cap itself won't be built to handle future Developments? I never saw anything saying it isn't.
Also I do agree that they should have capped that small portion between that and the memorial, but I assume doing so would create a tunnel, and then they would have to add ventilation, and that becomes an even bigger project.
I do agree that they should have allowed some type of development on the cap, wether it be small restaurants or a tower, it didn't all have to be greenspace.