I took this photo for the top 30 Construction thread, but I can post it here because it "is" an urban canyon although as we mention with Yonge you have low rise historical structures some well over 100 years old abutting (about) the sidewalks, and then behind that you have alleyways and then behind that you have now with recent developments monster towers growing from beyond the alleyway. We are pretty much assured that 100 years from now the streetscaping will remain relatively the same. Just with bigger buildings behind the lowrisers. Overall positive is that the towers massive and small help to finance the upkeep and restoration of the older or historical structures which front the sidewalk, either directly as is the case with the MOD developments at Massey Tower, Karma, Five Condos and Aura. Or indirectly as we are seeing with Nicolas Residences, and/or associated charges on development , increased property values and developer donations.
Other towers set to impact the Yonge Streetwall and Canyon
1. Karma - UC
2. Aura - UC
3. One Bloor - UC
4. 88 Scott - UC
5. Ryerson University - UC
6. HR Building - Site Prep
7. Massey Tower - Prep
8. 460 Yonge - Sales
9. Nicolas Residence - UC in photo far background
10. Five Condo - UC in photo Foreground
11. EC Tower - proposed
12. 501 Yonge - proposed
13. 599 Yonge - proposed
15. 11 Wellesley - proposed
14. 2 Gloucester - proposed
15. Casa 2 - Under Construction
16 Casa 3 - proposed in sales