Originally Posted by emathias
The only thing sad about the strong Metra nodes is that Chicago has had a worse attitude about maximizing TOD developments near our 'L' stations, let alone next to our Metra stations. Which is why I really hope Lightfoot manages to destroy Aldermanic perogative. or, at the very least can get them to let go of control for development near transit stations.
... why not just actually develop a comprehensive land use plan that is effectuated by a comprehensive review and update of the zoning map, to make zoning changes the exception rather than the norm for all development? Or, for example, pass/enforce state laws that condition local zoning powers on adherence to a comprehensive plan that specifically addresses certain targets such as total population, housing mix, growth rate, etc.? Such an effort would presumably result in higher-density mixed-use zoning around major transit nodes.
Trading the power now vested in one small group of individuals to another small group of individuals is unlikely to solve the problem without a whole wide range of other unanticipated consequences.