I don't believe we have seen this John Humble photograph on nla.
Indiana Street at Brooklyn Avenue /
East Los Angeles Jine 26, 1987.
John Humble
The Marlboro sign is still there (covered up), as well as the building with
Fidel painted on it. (and the house directly behind it)
I tried to match the Humble photo
Fidel / Marlboro Sign / Old House (slow day in the ethereal household)
You can check out the corner yourself
If you swivel your head around you'll see this monument (directly
behind John Humble when he took his photograph back in 1987)
We have talked about this thing at length but for the life of me I can't remember what it's memorializing.
I SHOULDN'T HAVE CALLED IT A 'THING' ...but you have to admit it's a bit ugly.