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Old Posted May 14, 2017, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by HossC View Post

This is "Job 84: John Kewell, Zeeman's Clothing Co., 1947".

Getty Research Institute
Before I leave the intersection of 6th and Figueroa, I just thought I'd post these two images which are both dated 1950. The first is by Dick Whittington, and shows the corner of Zeeman's with a notice that they've moved to 440 S Hill Street.


The reason for the move is obvious in this Ralph Morris shot - 6th Street had to be widened to allow freeway access, and the building on the corner was in the way.

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Old Posted May 14, 2017, 10:22 PM
BifRayRock BifRayRock is offline
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Two of WigWag's favorite subjects: a trolley car and ladies eating ice cream. Napkins?

Said to be taken in Santa Monica, circa 1913. That headlamp looks hot even during the day time. I wonder if pistachio was available then.


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Old Posted May 14, 2017, 11:38 PM
tovangar2 tovangar2 is offline
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Originally Posted by BifRayRock View Post
Prison labor being used for road construction?
That has a long history here:

Originally Posted by tovangar2 View Post
Harris Newmark, writing in 1914, remembers in "Sixty Years in Southern California" (1916):

"Up to the fall of [1870], no connection existed between
Temple and First Streets west of Spring; but on the first day of
September, a cut through the hill, effected by means of chain-
gang labor and continuing Fort Street north, was completed, to
the satisfaction of the entire community."
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 1:00 AM
BifRayRock BifRayRock is offline
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I recall your post and do not find convict labor being used for road building all that surprising. I vaguely recall reading a handwritten plea against the practice by someone incarcerated for a non violent offense, e.g., vagrancy during the Depression. However, I can't recall seeing photos depicting laborers in stripes and irons as part of construction crews in So Cal., and certainly not since the Depression. Such photos are available for other areas of the country, particularly in the South. Maybe I just haven't looked for them. If I am not mistaken, prisoners in state custody routinely made license plates, furniture and clothing. There was also a time when local jurisdictions had minimal security, "honor farms," that produced food and maybe other consumables. Earlier I noticed a few 1930s images of women inmates cooking in Tehachapi http://hdl.huntington.org/cdm/single...coll2/id/31391 http://hdl.huntington.org/cdm/single...coll2/id/31392. They don't portray anything particularly negative or shocking.

ER asked about the image of what appears to be a Topanga Canyon boulder (or maybe a giant root ball). I am unfamiliar with that hunk of minerals yet in light of your Harris N. quote, maybe convict labor reduced it to a more manageable size and some NLA'ers are driving over it.

Paul Muni, Chain Gang Fugitive

Last edited by BifRayRock; May 15, 2017 at 3:15 AM.
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 1:13 AM
Paul C. Koehler Paul C. Koehler is offline
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PE Bus in Macy Street Yard

[Post 11195 of 12/28/12 The PE buss in at the Macy Street yard. On the East side of Mission Road.
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 1:32 AM
CityBoyDoug CityBoyDoug is offline
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Originally Posted by BifRayRock View Post

Prison labor being used for road construction?

Yes, most of the roads in the local mountains near Los Angeles were made with prison labor. [Angeles National Forest mountain roads.]

I recall my Boy Scout adult leaders telling us boys about it. It was common knowledge to them as they were mostly born in the 1920s.
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 1:37 AM
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Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire View Post

I agree...amazing posts on Surfridge revheavya and Flyingwedge!

Fritz Burns was all over town, even on Bunker Hill.... The house in the article below was apparently at 240 or 242 N. Hope, according to another times article from 1958. For verification, I wish I could find on the thread the great CRA pictorial map that's an inventory of BH in the '50s...anyone remember it?

Los Angeles Times May 4, 1958
I don't know how I missed this post back in 2013, but was doing some work on Burns and came across it. Now, while there was a 1954 article about Burns & Co. getting together at 240-42 North Hope (see it here, and compare the houses to the pre-Burns treatment on Dawson's screengrabs of Chicago Calling! here) the house pictured in the article above isn't either of those, which look like this:


Rather, the house in the article is 129 South Flower, as seen (left) in this Walker Evans photo


—and, more importantly, in the Shulman series "Job 2052: Burns House - remodel (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1955"—which, if you're a geek for midcentury interiors in living color, make for especially splendid viewing!

(what the hell did they do to that poor stairway? Is that Christmas flocking?)


A larger version of the May 1958 article, here

Also GW, you mentioned the pictorial map (which wasn't CRA, but done by the South Bunker Hill Association), check it out here and here and a slightly different version of it here
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 3:40 AM
BifRayRock BifRayRock is offline
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Originally Posted by CityBoyDoug View Post
Yes, most of the roads in the local mountains near Los Angeles were made with prison labor. [Angeles National Forest mountain roads.]

I recall my Boy Scout adult leaders telling us boys about it. It was common knowledge to them as they were mostly born in the 1920s.

Bet that made for good campfire stories. "Did you hear that?" "What's that sound?"

There are a great number of scouting related images on LAPL.

Here are scouts facilitating wireless communications after the '33 Long Beach quake.

This amateur short-wave radio station in Bixby Park, Long Beach, sent more than 1200 messages free of charge for the public and received hundreds of replies from all over the world. Left to right, James Johnson of W6GJA; Myron Fuller, head of the station; L. P. Abarta of W6BIF; J. F. Land of W6GID; and Billy Miller, Boy Scout

If there was ever a pantomime horse merit badge, I hope it was discontinued.

"Pet show, Polytechnic Elementary School, 1030 East California, Pasadena. June 1939"


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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 3:53 AM
Mendotaman Mendotaman is offline
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Sandberg's Lodge (formerly known as Sandberg's Summit Hotel) was on the Ridge Route heading for Bakersfield.
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 4:39 AM
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Summit Station

Originally Posted by BifRayRock View Post

Here are a few images from the same "Theresa Sletton-album that might be of interest to city folk. The descriptions are sparse, but maybe enough to lead somewhere definitive. I include all of these diverse photos because maybe there are some dots that can be connected from the collection. There are one or two images that are clearly from a later period, probably the '30. There are a few newspaper clippings, post WWI. http://hdl.huntington.org/cdm/compou...coll2/id/16487

Lest I forget, this album is part of the Marquez collection, also mentioned on NLA before. http://www.huntington.org/WebAssets/....aspx?id=22977

"Old house on 5th Street" (No apparent drought here.)

Lapel flower probably suggests a special day.

Garapatos School steps. Topanga

The inscription is almost as interesting as the image.

Prison labor being used for road construction?

In honor of Mothers Day

General Store, Post Office, Topanga. (When enlarged "Topanga Post Office" is visible above "GROCERIES.")

The Luther Ranch, Springtime. The white specs to the right are not tombstones. As indicated by other images and text in the collection, they are bee hives.

Mrs. Luther, standing. Bertha Melcher and sister Josie, sitting.

At the risk of being pilloried for too many images, here's one more of the road. I do not recognize it, and there were "Summits" in Santa Cruz, El Cajon, San Diego and possibly Topanga.

Summit Station

Summit Station is Sandberg's Summit Hotel on the Ridge Route built in the teens.

Last edited by Hollywood Graham; May 15, 2017 at 4:40 AM. Reason: Additional Info added.
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 6:03 AM
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A while back I found this photograph of James DeBarth Shorb posing with a group of unnamed men in front of a train.


Shorb is the man in the middle with the large mustache and light-colored hat.
(he's also holding a cigar)

Today James DeBarth Shorb is mostly remembered as the man who named 'San Marino'. (and for his winery, the San Gabriel Wine Co.)

Did you notice the 'spectral' faces in the train windows?


"James DeBarth Shorb and family, San Marino house."


"James De Barth Shorb is sitting next to the steps to the porch. An older woman, probably his wife, is sitting on the other side of the steps, between a young daughter and son (both look like they're between seven and twelve). Two young woman, probably also daughters, are on the steps, and one child of indeterminate sex, around four to six, is on the steps between them." -James DeBarth eventually had 11 children.

a closer look


Click here to see a side view of the San Marino house:

You can find a good description of James DeBarth Shorb's life here:


Don't confuse James with his cousin Dr. Andrew Stephen Shorb. His house was at 412 Justicia/Buena Vista.

GW includes two biographical links for both Shorb cousins. (I've included some 'noirish' excerpts)

Dr. James Stephen Shorb M.D. was accused of murder (a botched abortion) in 1896.

It resulted in a total of three deaths. The dead woman's paramour committed suicide when he learned of her death.
(the 4 month old baby was found in the backyard )

Los Angeles Times Aug. 7, 1896

" The most shocking tragedy that has startled this community for a long time occurred in East Los Angeles yesterday. Lying cold and stiff in death in the morgue on Downey Avenue are the bodies of Jennie Snyder and William James Rellands [yet another spelling of his surname] and a babe that came to the light of day five months before its time.
The woman's death was caused, according to the verdict of a Coroner's jury, "by an external hemorrhage caused by a puncture of the uterus by an instrument in the hands of Dr. A.S. Shorb." Rellands blew his brains out evidently while in a fit of insanity, induced by the horrible events leading to the woman's death."

It continues.....

After the body had been opened a most revolting case of butchery was brought to light. Even the surgeons, inured to the most horrible of sights, were astonished. The body had been lacerated in a horrible manner, to be described only in a technical publications for physicians alone to read. The inquest was held immediately afterwards in the lower floor of a dance hall where "could be hear the rhythmic tap of the dancers' feet as they glided over the polished floor, unconscious of what was going on below. A Dr. Lasher testified that death had been caused by puncture wound "made with an instrument of considerable size . . . without much of a point."

Horrendous details for sure.....but I'm curious about the dance hall where the inquest was held. (it was probably located near the courthouse, right?)


"John R. Paul, the undertaker, testified to having searched the premises where Mrs. Snyder died and to having found a little baby in the back yard. A crochet hook was found on the premises. Dr. F.W. Steddom, the Health Officer, then took the stand and described the horrible condition of the woman's body which the autopsy had revealed. He was followed Drs. S.S. Salisbury and J.K. Carson, who assisted at the autopsy, and they testified substantially the same as did Dr. Steddom."

" Dr. A.G. Forget [Sic] was the first witness called at the afternoon session. He said that he had examined the intestine which Dr. Shorb had brought to him, and indicated that it had not protruded naturally, but had been drawn from the abdominal cavity. Dr. Carson was recalled to answer certain technical questions, and then Coroner Campbell took the stand and testified that Dr. Shorb had told him that he had taken out the intestine and also as to the autopsy at which he was present."

I'm confused about the intestine. Why would it have been removed?


Dr. Andrew Shorb was eventually acquitted (his lawyer convinced the jury the woman's lover could have killed her instead)
(reasonable doubt)

There's more........

Later it was revealed that the case in 1896 was not the only one resulting in the death of a patient after a botched abortion. Newspaper articles from 14 years before showed a pattern.

Reno Evening Gazette, Nevada, Feb. 21, 1882: "Held for Murder . . . Los Angeles, February 21 — The examination of Dr. A.S. Shorb, charged with causing the death of Guadalupe Garcia, by abortion, which has been in progress before City Judge Adams since the 11th inst., was concluded at noon to-day, and the accused committed for trial on a charge of murder."

Then a series appeared from Los Angeles that seemed like deja vu. Los Angeles Times, Feb. 14, 1882: "Shorb in court. How a Times Reporter is Fired, but is Assisted by a Ghost. Only Two Witnesses Examined Yesterday . . . The Probable Line of the Defence . . . A Long Siege Ahead . . . Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock every inch of room in Judge Adams' court room was taken up by curious spectators waiting for the examination of Dr. A.S. Shorb to begin. But the wise counsel who appeared for the defendant . . . "
Los Angeles Call, Feb. 16 1882: "The examination of Dr. A.S. Shorb, on the charge of malpractice on Guadalupe Garcia, who died from the effects, has been in progress before City Justice Adams, with closed doors, since Monday, and promises to consume the balance of the week. The examination, so far, has been principally confined to medical testimony."

"And in the same newspaper, Feb. 24 1882: "Los Angeles. Feb 23 Application for Habeas Corpus Denied In the case of Dr. A.S. Shorb, held on a charge of causing the death of Guadalupe Garcia, by abortion, Judge Hunt, of San Francisco, presiding, in Judge Sepulveda's branch of the Superior Court, to-day denied the application of the accused for a discharge on the writ of habeas corpus, and held him in $8,000 bail."

Then the verdict was announced, continuing the deja vu. Los Angeles Call, Apr 2, 1882: "Dr. Shorb Acquitted . . . Los Angeles, April 1--The jury in the Shorb case at 8 o'clock this morning brought in a verdict of 'not guilty.' " And The Fresno Republican, California, April 8, 1882: "Dr. A.S. Shorb has been acquitted at Las Angeles on a charge of murder. He was accused of producing an abortion on a young woman who died from the effects of the proceeding."

An unanswered question is: how many times did his patients die gruesomely, between 1882 and 1896?


My post was intended to be about James DeBarth Shorp but it morphed into Andrew Stephen Shorp's life as new details emerged.

details from

Last edited by ethereal_reality; May 15, 2017 at 6:30 AM.
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 6:35 AM
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'mystery' location


I don't know which 'Arthur Murray School of Dance' location this is. (as most of you know, there were quite a few in the Los Angeles area)

The lady on the right resembles Edith Head (if she was 3 feet shorter )

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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 12:47 PM
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I remembered Seymour Jewelers at 5537 N Figueroa Street (picture here), but despite having an address ending in a 7, it didn't look right. A little more digging found all the advertised businesses at 1717 N Vine Street in the 1956 CD. From the sign we have the Arthur Murray School of Dancing, Vy Barry Employment Agency, Equitable Credit Inc, Gene Byram Studio and the Cinema Arts School of Music. Seymour's Jewelry Co was technically at 1717½ N Vine Street. The site, just north of Hollywood Boulevard, is now home to The Redbury Hollywood.

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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 2:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Mendotaman View Post
Sandberg's Lodge (formerly known as Sandberg's Summit Hotel) was on the Ridge Route heading for Bakersfield.

Still heading north, the refined traveler might have stopped at the slightly swankier and more discriminating Sandberg’s Summit Hotel, where a sign was posted out front: “Truckers or dogs not allowed.” http://www.bakersfield.com/news/ridg...0555e5f5a.html

This was probably a "motor stage." Note the vehicle's soft top has some lettering that is probably advertising.





1915 Ridge Route


A Ridge Route remnant known as "Deadman's Curve"

Last edited by Tourmaline; May 15, 2017 at 2:34 PM.
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 4:39 PM
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More great Westlake redevelopment news--


The more redevelopment there is along the main east-west commercial drags of blighted areas, whether by replacement or repurposing, the better chance at least some old interior houses and apartment buildings may be saved. Nice to see this 1924 shop building being revived.
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 4:53 PM
Earl Boebert Earl Boebert is offline
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Props to CityBoyDoug

On a whim I sent an email to the Magnum archivist in New York explaining CityBoyDoug's theory that the Elliott Erwitt photo had been reversed. Overnight I got this response:

We looked at the contact sheet for this roll of film and you are indeed correct: the image is flipped.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.
*And* they've already corrected it:


Another little corner of the world set straight by Noirish L.A. and a pretty professional bunch at Magnum :-)


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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 5:19 PM
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Good job Earl!
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 7:00 PM
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Here's today's Julius Shulman post. It's "Job 4883: Daniel Dworsky, Foundation for Junior Blind, 1972".

There isn't much natural light in this corridor. Without wanting to sound facetious, maybe that's not important here.

The final shot appears to show rooms used for accommodation.

All from Getty Research Institute

Established as the Foundation for the Junior Blind in 1953, the organization is now known as Junior Blind of America. The building in the photos above is part of their Los Angeles Campus at 5300 Angeles Vista Boulevard. Because the building is hidden from the street, I had to go with this easterly-looking aerial view.

Google Maps
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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 7:12 PM
Martin Pal Martin Pal is offline
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Originally Posted by 3940dxer View Post

Barney's Beanery today

Google Street View

Barney's Beanery tomorrow?


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Old Posted May 15, 2017, 7:35 PM
CityBoyDoug CityBoyDoug is offline
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Originally Posted by Earl Boebert View Post
On a whim I sent an email to the Magnum archivist in New York explaining CityBoyDoug's theory that the Elliott Erwitt photo had been reversed. Overnight I got this response:
*And* they've already corrected it:
Another little corner of the world set straight by Noirish L.A. and a pretty professional bunch at Magnum :-)
Thanks Earl for following up on that flipped photo. This isn't the first time that a reversed photo has appeared on NLA and confused us.
Also, thanks to you for noticing the tone arm in the first place.!!
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