5th Street Bicycle Refresh has gotten some major upgrades as of recent plans.
-From Williams to West Peachtree it is now a grade separated cycle track.
-The tech trolley stops have dedicated locations with raised midblock crossings for pedestrians by them and the cycle track joins the same grade as the sidewalk at these trolley stops and returns to other grade afterwards
-They are pushing for Williams and 5th to get a signal pending city approval.
-Additional street trees added along the Williams to West Peachtree route
-All impacted intersections will get CoA bike crossing markings
10th Street Bridge has received a downgrade in terms of artistic component, but it too will have a dedicated cycle track that connects to the Turner offices across the highway and connects with the Modera Midtown high-rise and all the way to 12th and Williams intersection. On the bridge there will be concrete barriers to protect and separate vehicle traffic from pedestrians and cyclists