Originally Posted by F. Lionel
Was at the NOMA conference last week. Lise Vaugeois mentioned these two projects specifically when she was talking about how some promising projects are not getting funded by the government as they could be and have stalled because of it.
Some of the other things mentioned at the conference (in passing in most cases) that I found interesting:
- Three Seeds Corp. and their vertical gardens in the basement of the Eaton's Building. This is such an interesting concept and I hope they are very successful.
- A verbal commitment from ministers to upgrade and improve Fort Francis and Dryden airports to ensure they continue to be ready and up to date for any new passenger airline looking to set up shop there.
- NOMA's decision to back the 2+1 passing lane highway model in place of twinning in any location that has not already undergone preliminary planning by 2025.
- NWMO is ready to make it decision (basically) and when they do everyone on the opposite side is going to lose their mind.
There were, of course, other things that came of the conference but these specifically have stuck with me.