Originally Posted by Waye Mason
I'm in favor of development, and yet, reading the staff slides, C2 means:
•No height limit on buildings,
•No setback requirements or lot coverage limits,
•No architectural guidelines or design controls.
I think you've missed the point of the staff presentation. The C-2 zone is what applies to the site
now. If the policy changes are approved, they want to rezone from C-2
to R-4 (High Density Residential). They also would be applying to have approval through a
development agreement - I'm taking this from page 10 of the 12 page staff powerpoint presentation.
None of the zones in any of the land use bylaws (other than downtown because of HbD) currently has any regulations (that I can recall) related to design. There may be some 'criptic' language on use of materials, but nothing like HbD which has gone into specifics and is a form based code. So if he didn't have to get a rezoning and it was allowed through the C-2 zone; then yes I could understand their concerns because no height limits or design requirements could create something not so great.
But on page 11 of the staff presentation, the planner clearly states:
"Harbour East Community Council will review the application and make a decision based on a detailed evaluation which will address matters including:
- Site & Building design,
- Relationship to adjacent land uses,
- Traffic impacts,
- Sewer & Water servicing capability,
- Adequacy of recreation & amenity space,
- Tree retention & landscaping, and
- Grading & drainage."
So this is where I find their concern over building height to be less creditable...I have a feeling HRM will probably ask the height be reduced. If they do, fine - it might make it more compatible. If not, I'm equally happy. But the proposal has nothing to do with the existing C-2 zoning - the application is to rezone to R-4.