Typical of what challenges local municipalities need to deal with.
This development was proposed in the Victoria area. Typical five story building. Nothing overly notable. It is going on a major road in an area that is planned for higher density. It would create 104 units and replace 3 single family homes. Abstract is a well respected developer in Victoria.
Source: ABSTRACT DEVELOPMENTS, published by Times Columnist.
The local council had a 4 hour pre-application hearing. Residents were concerned about the size, traffic, the impact on a nearby part and nature area,
One resident in response to the provincial government order to the municipal government to build more homes said: “The order from the province is not a corresponding invitation to make our neighborhoods less safe, cut down urban forests, disregard our values and change our neighbourhoods,”
So, what happens. The council tells the developers, there are a few Gary Oaks in the corner of one of the lots, change the design to save those trees. Come back to us.
Looks like the municipal government is also pushing them to add some three bedroom units. It is mostly two bedrooms.
I think we are going to see this play out over and over across the country. If provinces continue to place targets on municipal governments approving higher density. Image the reaction of this was a 10 story building. Honestly, it should be a 10 story building.