Originally Posted by MonctonRad
- HRM incorporates all of the former Halifax County.
- CBRM incorporates all of the former Cape Breton County.
Wouldn't it follow that the "City of Truro" (Colchester Regional Municipality) encompass all of the former Colchester County???
If only the CA was incorporated into a "City of Truro", this would be setting a precedent for the province. Would the rump portion of Colchester County have the resources and finances necessary for self governance???
Originally Posted by J81
What communities does the Truro CA encompass?
For Census purposes Colchester County is subdivided into six areas;
Subd A (Fundy Shore) - 3'700
Subd B (Bible Hill - Debert - Tata) - 19'800
Subd C (South of Truro & Stewiacke Valley) - 12'400
Town of Truro - 12'900
Town of Stewiacke - 1'500
Millbrook First Nation - 900
Truro CA is Town of Truro + Millbrook + Subd B + Subd C
So if Truro CA becomes "Colchester Regional Municipality" that leaves Town of Stewiacke and Subd A as remainders. These areas don't abut each other so the most likely outcome would be separate;
Town of Stewiacke would remain as is. They may want to annex lands to the south along Trunk 2 so they directly abut Shubenacadie (East Hants).
Subd A is the big question. It is too small to survive on it's own. It would be a tough sell but I think it should be annexed by Cumberland County.
That said MonctonRad is probably right and the province would take the easy route and make the entire county a regional municipality effectively making Stewiacke and Five Islands suburbs of Truro.