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Old Posted Jun 24, 2023, 9:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Busy Bee View Post
We already knew how the hsr trains would operate in and out of LAUS though. Then what's the point of that latest animation?
I don't know, but CaHSRA didn't exactly publicize the video. They just dropped the video into their Box account, and somebody noticed. It may be related to the presentation Metro will be giving at the CaHSRA board meeting next week, in which they will attempt to explain how this project (Link US) has doubled in price.
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Old Posted Jun 29, 2023, 1:38 PM
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The Business Journal
June 28, 2023

"The Federal Railroad Administration and the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) announced Wednesday that $20 million from the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program will benefit the Fresno High-Speed Rail Station Historic Depot Renovation and Plaza Activation Project.

The project will restore the historic passenger rail depot building in Fresno, near Chinatown and the site of the future high-speed rail station. The project will create a functioning park and plazas as spaces for early site activation efforts. The project will also integrate zero-emissions vehicle infrastructure into historically disadvantaged communities, according to a news release.

“The Federal Railroad Administration congratulates the California High-Speed Rail Authority on their latest $20 million RAISE grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, building on previous federal investments that will help deliver high-speed rail in America and provide people with an alternative to crowded highways and airports,” said FRA Deputy Administrator Jennifer Mitchell. “President Biden’s Investing in America agenda is transforming our country for the better, and it’s going to keep making unprecedented investments to advance the 21st-century rail that Americans need and deserve..."

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Old Posted Jul 1, 2023, 9:05 AM
TowerDude TowerDude is offline
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When is the work on Union Station in LA going to start to make the High Speed Rail modifications?
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Old Posted Jul 1, 2023, 2:26 PM
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Old Posted Jul 2, 2023, 9:52 AM
TowerDude TowerDude is offline
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I bet this project would be at least 8 years ahead of its current schedule had all those lawsuits against it not been filed.
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Old Posted Jul 2, 2023, 1:00 PM
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I don't think 8 years is the number but it definitely didn't help. The primary reason more robust progress hasn't been made is California's tepid commitment and lack of aggressive construction, but this is because they don't have the dedicated funding to go all in so they are trying to do what they can with what they have through the bond and grant $ and use the construction they do have as promotional propaganda and the IOS to leverage public support which will force the hand of reluctant Cal pols. If the federal government was a real and significant funding partner the story would be completely different. It's likely the mountain crossings, knowing they could take upwards of a decade to complete, would be under construction so they will be ready to connect the IOS to the bay and basin in short succession. That is what you would expect to be happening with a real state/federal commitment to the project.
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Old Posted Jul 2, 2023, 8:29 PM
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Originally Posted by TowerDude View Post
I bet this project would be at least 8 years ahead of its current schedule had all those lawsuits against it not been filed.
Those lawsuits were killer...and then the people that don't like CAHSR used that to take shots at the project. Maybe not 8 years but for sure a few.
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Old Posted Jul 19, 2023, 9:00 PM
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High-Speed Rail Update: Another Piece Completed
There are more than thirty active construction sites on the HSR project in the Central Valley, including bridges, viaducts, and undercrossings, and close to that number of jobs have been completed.
1:13 PM PDT on July 18, 2023

The California High-Speed Rail Authority this week celebrated the completion of another piece of the project that will one day extend from the Bay Area to Los Angeles: the McCombs Road overcrossing in Kern County. That's the fifth major infrastructure piece completed this year alone.

This project realigned McCombs Road slightly to take traffic over both the future high-speed rail lines and State Route 43, which parallels the rail route at this spot.

Other projects completed in 2023 include an overcrossing at Elkhorn Avenue in Fresno County, grade separations at Idaho and Dover avenues in Kings County, and the Cedar Viaduct in Fresno County.

CASHRA's goal is to complete the first leg of construction between Tulare and Kern counties this fall, according to Garth Fernandez, the Authority's Central Valley Regional Director. “The completion of McCombs Road shows we are one step closer to wrapping [it up]," he said.

Currently there are more than thirty active construction sites on the HSR project in the Central Valley, including bridges, viaducts, and undercrossings in preparation for the rail line. Close to that number of jobs have been completed. Almost all the parcels for Central Valley construction have been acquired, and environmental clearance has been completed for 422 miles of the project.
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Old Posted Jul 19, 2023, 9:01 PM
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And the photos:

The completed overcrossing at McCombs Road in Kern County. Image: CAHSRA

Cedar Viaduct across SR 99, "the southern gateway into Fresno." Image: CAHSRA

The Elkhorn overcrossing in Fresno County, completed in June. Photo: CAHSRA

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Old Posted Jul 19, 2023, 9:31 PM
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Drove under the Cedar Viaduct twice in the last month and will do so again in a couple weeks. Looks good and hopefully the pace picks up
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Old Posted Jul 19, 2023, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by homebucket View Post
Much of this is in Kevin McCarthy’s district, who would rather see the people building this project sitting at home, unemployed, instead of building modern, efficient, infrastructure.
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Old Posted Jul 19, 2023, 11:17 PM
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The man is just a terrible human being for a number of reasons. I refuse to say his name around the house.
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Old Posted Aug 17, 2023, 10:16 PM
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Could the California High-Speed Rail be completed in the next 5 years?

Travis Schlepp / KTLA

Posted: Aug 17, 2023 / 10:39 AM PDT

California High-Speed Rail, the most ambitious public transportation project in the state’s history, is still miles away from being completed, despite decades of discussion and nearly ten years of construction.

Progress has kicked up in recent years as environmental hurdles were cleared, and the High-Speed Rail Authority hopes to have the Central Valley segment, which will connect Merced to Bakersfield, completed by 2030 (give or take).

But what would it take to get the entire project — Bay Area to Los Angeles — completed even sooner? Maybe as soon as 2028, in time for the Olympics?

That’s what industry experts and activists met to discuss Wednesday evening during an online forum hosted by Streetsblog, an urban planning news and information website that focuses on transit and public safety.

Dusk side view of a high-speed train. (California High-Speed Rail Authority)
While it might sound like a pipe dream, those in attendance for Wednesday’s roundtable discussion argue it could be done, albeit with a massive amount of cooperation and significant buy-in from the federal government.

Roger Rudick, editor at Streetsblog San Francisco and the moderator for the panel, argued that there is a long history of major public projects being conceived, planned and completed within much smaller timeframes.

“In 1962, President Kennedy said, ‘We will go to the moon before the decade is out.’ Six years later, humans traveled to the moon, and a year after that they walked on the moon,” Rudick said in his opening remarks. “The Transcontinental Railroad was built in six years. And they started construction during the Civil War. I would say that’s a pretty big socio-economic challenge for starting a big project.”

Rudick added that China was able to complete 25,000 miles of rail in the last 15 years, so there is plenty of precedent for one of the world’s superpowers to build a comparatively minuscule amount of rail in a similar timeframe.

So what’s standing in the way?

Boris Lipkin is the Northern California Regional Director of the California High-Speed Rail Authority. Appointed to the position by former California Governor Jerry Brown, and re-appointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, he oversees the project between San Francisco and Merced County.

Lipkin says there’s a lot to juggle with such a massive undertaking, including working with municipalities, utility companies and environmental requirements.

He says the Authority faces hundreds and sometimes thousands of different “veto points” during construction, including blackout windows for construction, third parties being affected by the construction, and even competition with Burlington Northern Santa Fe – the nation’s largest freight rail company – which has the ability to pause construction during some of the busiest shipping months.

“There’s permitting, and other things that all kind of add up to the narrowing of construction windows of when you can actually do work,” Lipkin said, adding that the Authority is also trying to build while maintaining California’s “values,” including protecting prior rights and endangered species.

He says almost all of the major environmental reviews have been completed, with the sole outlier being the segment between Palmdale and Burbank, and the Authority plans to have that completed by the end of the year.

In the meantime, construction is being done in the segments of the massive project that have already been approved. Meaningful progress has been made when dealing with the rail’s right-of-way and important infrastructure projects, including bridges and overpasses, have been completed throughout the Central Valley in preparation for the line’s eventual opening.

So the project is moving along, albeit at its own pace.

Major challenges are still on the horizon, including boring out tunnels for the rail, which, when completed, will be the longest rail tunnels in the U.S. The equipment needed for that crucial part of the rail system has a long lead time, Lipkin said.

But the Authority has also said that the enormous amount of work needed to get it done in an abbreviated window could be a bigger load than California’s various construction companies could handle.

“So we’re talking about some pretty big, big numbers,” Lipkin said. “It’s a question of, ‘Can that level of construction happen in that kind of timeframe?'”

Essentially, even if the project was fully funded, would there be enough labor to do it?

Carter Lavin, a transportation activist and political organizer, countered that that’s simply not a good enough reason to stick with the slower timeline.

“Labor shortages are a very common thing that happen across the board in every sector,” Lavin said. “There are people in other parts of the United States who would absolutely love to come to California and do the work.”

Ultimately, though, Lipkin says it’s not a matter of will standing in the way of an early completion point, but rather, a lack of funding – an issue that has plagued the project since its inception.

Both Lipkin and the transit advocates who gathered to discuss an accelerated timeline concluded that an early completion would require the federal government to step in and help cover a significant portion of the bill.

“Out of the funding that we have so far, about 85% of that has come from the State of California, and 15% has come from the federal government,” Lipkin said. “When we did the highway system over thirty, forty years of highway construction, those ratios were reversed. So the federal government was 80 to 90% and state governments supported it with about 10% of the needed funding.”

California is doing its best to cover the costs, and Lipkin believes the project can be completed with the state footing the majority of the bill, but if Californians want the High-Speed Rail completed sooner, the federal government would have to chip in significantly more.

In agreement, Lavin argued that California’s economy and taxes contribute so much to the federal government, and in response, Washington should make the project a priority, especially as the current administration stares down the barrel of a climate emergency.

“The number one source of carbon emissions in California is cars,” Lavin said. “So when we’re connecting tens of millions of people with high-speed rail, when we’re connecting the 6.5 million people who live in the Central Valley with a high-speed rail, this will offset so much, this will get so many cars off the road.”

Making rail a priority is a challenge that the Authority says starts with changing mindsets.

“The differences between us and Europe, or Asia in this regard, is that, in many ways, high-speed rail projects are sort of the largest projects that governments usually undertake,” Lipkin said. “And in other parts of the world, that becomes sort of these national priorities in a way that I don’t think we’ve penetrated yet.”

One reason that other nations prioritize rail – tradition.

“In many cases in Europe, certainly there is a deep tradition of passenger rail ridership,” said Eric Eidlin, Station Planning Manager for the City of San Jose and an educator at San Jose State University. “There was always this sense that, you know, riding the train is a really important way to connect places and to get around.”

Eidlin added that completion of the expansive project should be treated with more urgency due to the implications of a possible “climate apocalypse,” with record-breaking temperatures across the globe driven by climate change.

“This project will take a long time to build, so the payoff will be in the long-term, but I do think we do need to be thinking on that time horizon, you know, it’s not just about the greenhouse gas emissions in 5, 10 years, but in 30 years, and how are we setting ourselves up for the future long-term?”

In addition to any carbon-reducing benefits, Lavin urged those who were looking to become more informed about the High-Speed Rail project to think of it as more than just a transportation undertaking.

“I think most Californians can barely afford rent, I think most Californians are worried about putting food on the table, most Californians are struggling. And I think an important part is the high-speed rail is going to help them,” Lavin said. “When we talk about job access … having a hard time affording rent, frankly speaking, the high-speed rail project is, in a sense, one of California’s biggest bit of affordable housing infrastructures going on.”

He urged listeners and supporters of the project who want to see it be completed sooner to call their local representatives, Gov. Newsom’s office, and any of the candidates for the upcoming California Senate election and urge them to support the project and advocate for additional federal funding.

Lipkin said support for the High-Speed Rail project has only grown since it was first approved by voters in 2008. In a recent poll by UC Berkeley, support for the project was about 20 percentage points higher than the percentage of people who were against it.

“I think California is pretty united in wanting to see this project happen,” Lipkin said, acknowledging that questions remain about how fast it can be completed. “The support is there, and we were very lucky to have that, because there’s no way to move something like this forward without very, very strong support. And we certainly have that across the board.”

The longer the project takes to complete, the more expensive it will become, experts say, and whether or not the project has the support of everyone in the state, it’s officially reached the “point of no return,” Lipkin said.

The California High-Speed Rail is coming, if not in five years, then a few years later. It’s up to its supporters to make an accelerated timeline a reality.

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Old Posted Aug 17, 2023, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Busy Bee View Post
Ultimately, though, Lipkin says it’s not a matter of will standing in the way of an early completion point, but rather, a lack of funding – an issue that has plagued the project since its inception.

Both Lipkin and the transit advocates who gathered to discuss an accelerated timeline concluded that an early completion would require the federal government to step in and help cover a significant portion of the bill.

“Out of the funding that we have so far, about 85% of that has come from the State of California, and 15% has come from the federal government,” Lipkin said. “When we did the highway system over thirty, forty years of highway construction, those ratios were reversed. So the federal government was 80 to 90% and state governments supported it with about 10% of the needed funding.”

California is doing its best to cover the costs, and Lipkin believes the project can be completed with the state footing the majority of the bill, but if Californians want the High-Speed Rail completed sooner, the federal government would have to chip in significantly more.

In agreement, Lavin argued that California’s economy and taxes contribute so much to the federal government, and in response, Washington should make the project a priority, especially as the current administration stares down the barrel of a climate emergency.
I wonder why the federal govt isn't stepping in to fund this and get it built faster.
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Old Posted Aug 17, 2023, 10:29 PM
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They will. It's obviously very politically contentious and prone to criticism but the current administration and USDOT obviously believes in it. I would expect a juicy federal grant third quarter 2024 and another within the first 1-2 years of a hopefully second Biden term.
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Old Posted Aug 18, 2023, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by homebucket View Post
I wonder why the federal govt isn't stepping in to fund this and get it built faster.
That one party that doesn't like transit or government projects (unless it's in their district or a state they like) are apt at blocking things.
No doubt McCarthy will support projects all the way up to his district line, which is also the county-line, and then block it from going into LA. He's loving the fact that his farmers get all these new overcrossings and upgrades to more than just HSR, like utilities and roads.
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Old Posted Aug 18, 2023, 12:43 AM
moorhosj1 moorhosj1 is offline
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Originally Posted by homebucket View Post
I wonder why the federal govt isn't stepping in to fund this and get it built faster.
The highway system crossed dozens of states, providing benefits across the country. This is located in a single state. That makes it a harder sell from funding perspective. It’s why military contractors spread out facilities in all states, makes it hard to cut funding.
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Old Posted Aug 18, 2023, 12:52 AM
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Originally Posted by moorhosj1 View Post
The highway system crossed dozens of states, providing benefits across the country. This is located in a single state. That makes it a harder sell from funding perspective. It’s why military contractors spread out facilities in all states, makes it hard to cut funding.
It technically will with the desert express or whatever the new name is, and Texas is possibly looking at federal funding through Amtrak with their HSR.
California projects basically have a higher hill to climb both figuratively and literally, just look at how other forumers are unreceptive to CAHSR and the opposite for THSR.
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Old Posted Aug 18, 2023, 1:15 AM
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Take a close look at those recent photos, do you see any railriad tracks, track side signals, or new ballast in them? We're still years away before any trains run on these non-existent tracks. By the time they lay any tracks, all that pretty white concrete will be spoiled with graffiti.
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Old Posted Aug 18, 2023, 1:28 AM
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Originally Posted by electricron View Post
Take a close look at those recent photos, do you see any railriad tracks, track side signals, or new ballast in them? We're still years away before any trains run on these non-existent tracks. By the time they lay any tracks, all that pretty white concrete will be spoiled with graffiti.
I looked at the pics from SF to SJ and there are tracks, but...told y'all. You guys said it wouldn't even get started or passed and yet here we are, transitioning to "never get finished". Wait for it to get finished.
Other states have it out for CAHSR, but you don't see that with other possible HSR systems.
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