Originally Posted by halifaxboyns
I agree with someone123; assuming nothing bad comes along - this area is going to grow up really well.
SGR is a great model of what I'm hoping will come out of the Regional Centre plan for some of the corridors, like Robie or Agricola. Just a little different...my hope would be that in those corridors there might be some urban format retail stores included and a bit more building height. Plus a much more aggressive density bonusing schedule to include parks maintenance, transportation and recreation facilities.
SGR is getting that upscale, urban "village" feeling... almost a mini-Yorkville. Our own Schmidtville, lol
I see Agricola like the Queen West of Halifax... and I agree on the urban format for Agricola.
I think Robie has a ton of potential, especially around Bell Rd... that lot next to the Atlantica and the funeral home site need to make the street feel like its facing inward instead of the isolating feeling it currently gives because of the commons and amount of lanes in that stretch. I'd like to see 10+ floor residential developments with groundfloor retail onto Robie.