Originally Posted by pegcityboy
Well Stadium was completely needed as Canad Inns Stadium was falling apart . CMHR is debatable and Bipole 3 probably you are correct and there is probably another 10 items you could pick apart but what’s done is done and the government needs a solid highway infrastructure plan going forward and STICK to it , no cost cutting cancelling of projects anymore. I was just by Yellowhead and No 1 again last night and it makes me furious cause that intersection could have been done with an interchange for 40 plus years now !
Agreed with the yellowhead thing, but I again lament that there is no standard for the TCH and it’s tributaries. At the very least, minimum design standards should apply, ideally it should be under a federal system, similar to the interstate. That doesn’t mean that provinces don’t chip in, it just means we should do more on the national level to come up with a plan and - as you say - stick with it.
I would think that having a functional and efficient national highway system would be an issue that would affect interprovincial trade or be of pressing importance and rise to the level of a national issue if you want to justify it using constitutional heads of power. The fact is that it is an indispensable trade corridor that should resemble its “peers” (as in major national highways in any other country) around the world.