I've been recently surprised by how often I now notice West Campus buildings from the western parts of downtown. One can definitely see how the two areas will start to feel more and more cohesive and less separated (especially once they are connected by rail).
It might be because I lived there for four years, but West Campus is probably the most interesting/walkable neighborhood in Texas. Love seeing it gain density, although the loss of the craftsmans and my old stomping grounds is a bit hard to witness. C'est la vie
A site plan was filed today for a residential building at 2710 Nueces. It's not in the area zoned for 300 footers. But it could still be 12-14-stories. It's called La Pacana.
Edit: Site plan mentions this will be multi-family. Given the small site, I would assume this would have to be fairly tall to justify re-development.
I'm glad someone else is posting permit info on here. I just tweeted about this one. The site is zoned for 300'. But we don't have any other info.
The site:
Glad to be participating @TheATX. I've been sleuthing my way through this forum for years and finally decided to take the plunge and learn how to post. Also honed my skills at navigating the city's public permit search while working on a patio addition to my duplex back in 2021. Expect periodic photo and permit updates when I have the time.
I am all in on urban densification and can't wait to see this amazing city transformed by Project Connect and the countless tower schemes in the works!
Updating previous post. This ended up being 6-stories with two underground levels.
Originally Posted by The ATX
A site plan was filed today for a residential building at 2710 Nueces. It's not in the area zoned for 300 footers. But it could still be 12-14-stories. It's called La Pacana.