Originally Posted by C.
I find myself wondering abut 2030 city proper populations.
* Houston overtaking Chicago to be the third largest city in the county
As of census 2020, Chicago city proper was 441,808 people larger than Houston city proper (2,746,388 vs. 2,304,580).
From 2010 - 2020, Chicago gained 50,790 people.
From 2010 - 2020, Houston gained 205,129 people.
Net gain by Houston for the decade: 154,339
Now, given the fact that Houston's land area is roughly 3x the size of Chicago's, and growing much faster, it's very likely that Houston will overtake Chicago eventually, but it's going to have to massively up its growth rate, or hope for another epic collapse in Chicago, to close the gap by 2030.
If their annual numerical growths were to stay exactly the same as they did last decade (fat chance!), It would take Houston 29 years from 2020 to close the gap. So perhaps by mid century (though 2040 is
very possible depending on how the trajectories of their growth rates go).