Hey folks. New guy here. Like the name says, you can call me Matt.
Finding this thread an unbelievable resource, so many thanks to everyone who's contributed. Currently I'm working on a series of comics called SMOKETOWN, which is set in San Angelo (a fictional analog of LA, also used by Chandler in some of his earlier stories) and have been deep-diving here (though I'm really only up to page 75 -- so much good stuff.) Oh yeah, SMOKETOWN will be a sort of dark fantasy/horror/detective thing. Think HELLRAISER crossed with ROCKFORD FILES. There's going to be a related story called MY WINGS ARE BLACK, which will be set more in the thirties, kind of an Old Testament noir piece. Trying to stay true to the spirit of the place rather than be 100% historically accurate, but the flavor I'm finding in this thread reminds me that real life is often way weirder than any fiction.
Real quick, since I'm supposed to be on the clock here. Wanted to do more than just drop in and chatter. Here's a photo of the LA TIMES building taken in 2012 (where my dad worked from 1982-1985).
L1000875.JPG by
maxwellm, on Flickr[/IMG]
I'll try to be back around but have a lot of catching up to do.
EDIT - Hmm. Ugly code on this. Will have to figure it out later.