Originally Posted by unusualfire
Crime is more than just murders.
Yeah but Murder is the worst kind of CRIME their is. You can't bring someone back from the dead, its not like your Jesus. This is a Crime the United States suffers from more than Canada (& many other developed countries). Even if there are as many (or more Armed Robberies, Rape, Auto Thefts, Vandalism, Arsons, & Home Invasions) etc. It would still make Canada a safer country overall because less of the population is being "killed". (Which is much more important anyways). After all injured people survive. People who experience Trauma/ Rape Victims can also SURVIVE. But those that where shot dead are dead, & theirs nothing u can do to bring them back. This is why Canada is a safer country than America. (Less People are shot dead on any given day). These people have families, they are a son/ daughter, a brother/ sister, a friend, a boyfriend/ girlfriend, a Spouse, a Father/ Mother etc. (These are REAL Physical Human Beings that are dying here, lets not get away from this). Yes some of them are People involved in Gangs/ Criminal Activities but their still PEOPLE & so are the innocent by-standards that get caught up in it alot more than some other countries. You can't take away from the fact that their real "HUMAN BEINGS". Who cares if it is happening only in "certain places" (or not to the vast majority of people). This is a weak excuse/ reason to downplay what is physically TAKING PLACE. (I understand Americans are patriotic/ love their country sure), but when is the rest of the world or your own Government going to say that "enough is enough" & help you guys reach a reasonable solution in your inner cities? If ur "safety" is compromised in any sort of way then so is your "Quality of Life" as well. (Because you need to be ALIVE in order to enjoy your "Quality of Life" in the first place). So for that reason "Murder" in particular is an important crime to have less of (NOT MORE).
PS. (I don't hate Americans), I just wish you guys actually CARED more about your OWN Citizens being killed unnecessarily by Gun Violence.
Just cause ur population is ginormous doesn't mean that 1 life doesn't matter. EVERY LIFE Matter's! 200 Murder's is STILL 200 Murder's who cares
if a City Has Millions of people?