Originally Posted by k1052
Iberia already has daily, year round as I recall, MAD service to/from ORD.
They do, it sounds like they're just switching to a newer, potentially bigger, aircraft. The A350 isn't a lot bigger, but the biggest A350 can carry more than the biggest A330.
I believe they use A330-300 aircraft now, although I've seen some flights with the A340. Depending on which A350 aircraft they use, they may have additional capacity. Regardless, the A350 should be more efficient, so if their fuel costs are lower, perhaps they can offer more price competition on the route.
Edit: looks like the A350-900, which has like 40% more range and at least 20 more passengers. There A330-300 is the size of a Boeing 787, the A350 is bigger, and Iberia just started taking delivery of them less than six months ago.