It's been a long time since I posted on here but I'm back in the city for 24 hours and wanted to post just a few thoughts about what I've seen in my short stay:
-It's past time to extend the 4 laning of Dawson Road out as far as Dog Lake Road... at least 4 lanes as far as 5 Mile School. Being stuck in a string of cars behind someone insisting on going under the speed limit I watched more than a few people take stupid risks in order to get past.
-Seeing the empty spot where Beaver Lumber used to sit at County Fair was oddly exciting. As was all the wooden hoarding up on the mall itself, not to mention the signs proclaiming the arrival of No Frills and Dollarama. My MIL is excited about being able to "hit up the Dollarama there rather than have to run down to Intercity when I need cheap crap." (her exact words)
-The two new hotels at Intercity, along with the new TD, the construction at the Thunder Centre and Target have (for me at least) changed the feeling of the area from north-south streets linking two centres, to an actual shopping and service district. Throw up some high-density residential structures in the area and it will be an honest-to-god neighbourhood.
-4 lanes on Golf Links did not happen fast enough. So happy to see it finally under construction.
-The development around the hospital is very nice with the offices and the condo at the country club... remembering back to a time before River Terrace when it was swamps and small farms. I heard a rumour about Maltese opening a second location in the old Quality Market at College Heights (is that what the area is to be called? I forget...) Has the fight over the southern extension of River Terrace been solved? If it has been solved in the developers favour (an assumption) it will be nice to see that development finally come to completion. I suppose the next expansion would be across Golf Links on the other side of the power lines. It's odd (to me at least) that the commercial development near the corner still sits empty and undeveloped. I figured that a corner store (Macs) would have arrived there by this point given the local population growth.
-There are definitely not too many traffic lights in this city as compared to, say, a similar sized portion of Winnipeg... although some of them should transition to flashing yellow lights between 11pm and 7am. And some of them should be replaced with button activated pedestrian crossings (I'm looking at you Lights at PACI)
-PACI looks good in its new life as an extension of LU but they need to do something about the gymnasium because it looks tired in comparison to the school.
-There were so many pedestrians downtown on a Sunday Night after dark! The Sovereign Room, the Foundry, Marina Park... the saddest thing I saw was the over the front of McNulty's. Any rumours about that I missed?
-Glad that the Lyceum should be able to be saved. It would be a coup if they could restore it to a theatre/stage but I would be completely happy with some storefronts and offices above. Too much heritage has been lost from the cores as it is. Vey glad to see that appetite for destruction has finally fallen away.
-Infill higher density residential construction would be very nice to see along south court street in order to deal with the creeping slum blight. A restored Royalton as a boutique hotel would be (I think) a coup given the right conditions along Bay Street and in the PA core, which seem to be developing slowly on their own.
-The active transportation marks on the roads are no different from any other city I've now visited and lived in. I'm not going to talk about specifics on the network but it looks to be implemented here the same as everywhere else... but its just the attitude here seems more ignorant by comparison.
-The vibe from everyone I've spoken to seems to be of cautious optimism regarding their futures here. I'm actually excited to move back here.