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Old Posted Nov 18, 2018, 3:52 AM
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Old Posted Nov 27, 2018, 11:31 AM
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HongWell Group

Nan Hai Corporation Limited
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Old Posted Dec 1, 2018, 12:27 PM
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Old Posted Dec 17, 2018, 2:58 PM
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[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)][size=13px][float=left]世紀標案 北車雙子星「台北CITY ONE」純外資競標團隊亮相


[float=left][color=rgb(51, 51, 51)][size=13px][size=16px][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][size=13px]新聞摘要[/size][/color]

  • [size=13px]重現百年芳華,再造台北榮光,南海、馬頓領軍,國際團隊攜手,引領世界風潮[/size]

[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][size=13px]世紀標案 北車雙子星「台北CITY ONE」純外資競標團隊亮相[/size][/color]

【MyGoNews蕭又安/綜合報導】于品海博士與馬來西亞富商林曉春領軍的香港「南海控股集團」及馬來西亞「柏威年集團」,共同籌組「台北CITY ONE」,於2018年12月17日召開記者會,兩集團將分別以旗下土地開發「南海發展」及「馬頓(MaltonBerhad)」兩家公司,擔任台北車站雙子星商業大樓開發案「台北CITY ONE」標案的共同申請人,與本土的藍天宏匯集團,形成港台兩強競標。于品海說:「很多媒體認為我們很神秘,其實是安靜地向評審委員說明,所以推遲到今日才對外。」他說:「不把這個標案當作為房地產開發,也不是辦公大樓,而是西區的底座,將整個西區換血,讓每個人24小時可在以這個建築物中走來走去,博物館、沙龍、兒童樂園、中心廣場,都可以隨時使用。甚至半馬(馬拉松)都可以在這裡舉辦,這棟建築物不是『死物』,而是活物。」

[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][size=13px]于品海博士與馬來西亞富商林曉春領軍的香港「南海控股集團」及馬來西亞「柏威年集團」,共同籌組「台北CITY ONE」[/size][/color]

于品海博士的團隊認為,「台北CITY ONE」是史上最大商用不動產開發案及「西區門戶計畫」的核心,本基地集核心交通樞紐、歷史古蹟特色及主要城市發展的關鍵地區,因此本案的開發不只攸關一個街廓,而是一區域、一個城市,甚至是台灣的門面,它必須是從地區文化特色出發,創造地區都會人文,導入科技及產業新趨勢,帶動城市新活力。「台北CITY ONE」不僅可活化古建群落作為西區聯結新舊的觀光節點,還將高效集合交通轉運、金融辦公、酒店商業等功能,整合東西形塑台北未來的經濟價值體,為台灣的世界影響力發聲。

[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][size=13px]于品海博士的團隊認為,「台北CITY ONE」是史上最大商用不動產開發案及「西區門戶計畫」的核心[/size][/color]

唯一純外資團隊強強聯合 擘劃門戶新意象

以于品海博士與馬來西亞富商林曉春領軍具備豐富國際地產開發及經營經驗的香港「南海控股集團」及馬來西亞「柏威年集團」,是參與投標「台北CITY ONE」的唯一純外資團隊,並分別以旗下土地開發之「南海發展有限公司」及「馬頓有限公司(MaltonBerhad)」兩家公司擔任共同申請人。

南海控股於1991年在香港聯合交易所掛牌上市(代號00680),2017年總營收159億港元(約新台幣636億元),集團業務包括地產開發,及文化傳媒產業、資訊技術服務。透過地產投資開發、銷售,以及商業地產自有、長期經營為宗旨,再以大地傳播、中國數碼等提供雲端、大數據、智慧零售等超前科技支持,為本案之興建及營運而投全面的資源,增益台北CITY ONE開發價值及永續性,以創造最佳之成效。


此外,市場營運管理由瑞普萊坊擔綱,工程營造部分將由大陸工程、華熊共同承攬,工程管理由首屈一指、軌道工程經驗豐富的亞新工程顧問負責。台灣最具經驗企業團隊負責專業執行面,為CITY ONE提供最堅實的保障。

全球最具表現力建築 向世界直播更好的台北

這次招標最大的突破是重新開放兩棟超高大樓建築設計,因此建築的理念、規劃勢必是標案的主要亮點。建築作為台北CITY ONE給世界的第一印象,申請人從一開始海選國際建築團隊的階段,就把焦點鎖定在人文薈萃、工藝精良,且重視創新與生態互融的歐陸建築師。最後特聘荷蘭知名建築團隊MVRDV 與台灣陳廷杰建築師事務所,以TOD、循環經濟、生態社區、智慧城市等原則,擘劃兩棟智慧大樓、綠建築都在雙鑽等級的地標型鉅作。

[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][size=13px]特聘荷蘭知名建築團隊MVRDV 與台灣陳廷杰建築師事務所,以TOD、循環經濟、生態社區、智慧城市等原則,擘劃兩棟智慧大樓、綠建築都在雙鑽等級的地標型鉅作。[/size][/color]


新零售商業運營 精準社群營銷重構消費生態

在全球移動互聯網時代和數位驅動背景下,商業原有邊界正在被不斷超越和打破,打造線上線下及物流融合發展的新零售,可有效解決傳統商業人效、坪效、時間和空間等問題,成為台北CITY ONE經營的核心。CITY ONE 所提倡的「新零售」是將沉悶的商場轉變為讓OMO(online mergeoffline)發揮得淋漓盡致的社交平台,應用互聯網科技,將商場的運營、交易、客服、衍生服務都在線上線下同步進行。


[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][size=13px]兩棟大樓樓層數分別為65、53樓,高度分別為337、280公尺,低樓層作零售商場,中樓層作辦公室,高樓層作旅館。[/size][/color]



[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][size=13px]CITY ONE 空橋[/size][/color]

城市斷層縫合再生 最佳基地內外景觀融合



[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][size=13px]CITY ONE總工程經費超過600億元,希望為台北創造一種經濟新氣象,用想像力和執行力重構「台北西」,為台北創造嶄新的「生活場」。圖為CITY ONE 夜景示意圖[/size][/color]

公益回饋全民共用 創新循環永續發展

在產業共利、公私共榮、環境共生、社群共營的目標下,團隊承諾六大回饋,包括前述的交六與交八下沉廣場開發、台北長廊、台北燈會、基金會、製作開發紀實片、區域BIM 資訊整合,都將讓本案有別於一般建築開發,成為紮根於產業、生活、生態與都市正義的台灣不動產商業開發新典範。

CITY ONE總工程經費超過600億元,希望為台北創造一種經濟新氣象,用想像力和執行力重構「台北西」,為台北創造嶄新的「生活場」。CITY ONE會以台灣故事作主題,專職部門策劃、經營著多場景文創活動,將零售結合演出、展覽、講座、嘉年華;人不只是消費者,他們都將找到自己的性格與空間,不管樂聚天倫、悠然漫步、或沉思冥想,在CITY ONE都可以滿足你的生活想像。

台北市府西區門戶計畫發展願景與南海發展經營方向高度契合,南海控股董事會主席于品海表示會積極貢獻在地產開發、文化產業、新零售營運方面的豐富經驗與績效,邀請荷蘭、德國、新加坡、馬來西亞、香港和台灣的專家組成團隊,在建築設計、招商營運、施工管理團隊等方面,制定切實可行的實施方案,將台北CITY ONE打造成為創新智慧的台北中心、綠色永續的地標門戶、有文化有溫度的全球城市空間改造之榜樣。

[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][size=13px]CITY ONE 交六交八廣場圖[/size][/color]



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Old Posted Dec 18, 2018, 1:38 PM
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Old Posted Dec 19, 2018, 6:02 AM
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台北雙子星本土團隊設計圖公開 許崑泰:人生代表作[size=18px][align=center][float=left][size=16px]A-[/size][/float][/align][align=center][float=left][size=16px]A+[/size][/float][/align]

[float=left][color=rgb(141, 141, 141)][size=13px]2018-12-19 12:54經濟日報 記者黃阡阡╱即時報導[/size][/color][/float]
  • [align=left][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][size=12px]



[align=left][size=18px]有世紀標案之稱的「台北雙子星」,已進入第二階段「規格標」,而唯一本土團隊的藍天電腦與宏匯集團組合,今(19)日公布設計圖與具體規劃,藍天暨宏匯集團董事長許崑泰重申,他將該案視為人生的代表作,要做到近乎完美。[/size][/align][align=left][size=18px]台北車站特定專用區C1/D1土地開發案「台北雙子星」,今年初重啟第六度招商,總投資金額超過600億元,10月初截標後確定兩組團隊投標,包括藍天電腦與宏匯集團組合,以及香港南海控股攜手馬來西亞柏威年集團,預計在今年12月底前確認最優申請人,明年3月完成簽約。[/size][/align][align=left][size=18px]而這次投標台北雙子星,藍天與宏匯特別結合美國S.O.M聯合建築師事務所、群光電能、凱悅國際等國內外知名頂尖團隊攜手合作,欲打造台灣的驕傲。[/size][/align][align=left][size=18px]藍天與宏匯團隊這次邀請到美國S.O.M聯合建築師事務所領銜設計,其中,全球超過400米以上的超高層大樓,排名前16棟中有七棟出自S.O.M設計,包括最高杜拜哈里發塔和紐約世貿中心大樓等。[/size][/align][align=left][size=18px]台北雙子星共有兩棟大樓,包括商場、旅館、辦公室、景觀餐廳與觀景台,其佔比分別為商場23.48%,辦公室63.84%,旅館則佔12.68%,未來營運分別交由群光廣場、高力國際與凱悅集團。[/size][/align][align=left][size=18px]許崑泰強調,投標雙子星就是以「長期持有、永續經營」為目標,而且將這個標的視為人生之中的代表作,就想要把國家的門戶做到最完美,而且藍天與宏匯的財務狀況健全,「不用擔心我們會半路落跑」。[/size][/align]台北雙子星本土團隊藍天與宏匯組合,今日公布設計圖。 記者黃阡阡/攝影
藍天暨宏匯集團董事長許崑泰重申,他將台北雙子星視為人生的代表作。 記者黃阡阡/攝影
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Old Posted Dec 19, 2018, 1:31 PM
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Final decision will be made between these two proposals from these two competitor in end of this year and will be reveals next March.
The construction will start end of 2019.

HongWell Group

2018年台北雙子星競標 藍天宏匯集團設計方案-1 by William Chung, 於 Flickr
360m 280m

Nan Hai Corporation Limited

Video Link

337m 280m
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Old Posted Dec 20, 2018, 4:55 AM
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Old Posted Dec 26, 2018, 3:14 AM
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[size=13px]神秘台商、「類」中資的另類對決 台北雙子星開發案最後花落誰家?


[size=13px][color=rgb(50, 79, 225)][backcolor=transparent][/backcolor]

[size=16px][color=rgb(34, 34, 34)][backcolor=transparent]信傳媒[/backcolor][/color]

1.4k 人追蹤
[align=center][color=rgb(0, 129, 242)]追蹤[/color][/align]


2018年12月26日 上午9:35[/size]
[align=center][color=rgb(88, 195, 69)][backcolor=transparent][/backcolor][/color][color=rgb(71, 97, 166)][backcolor=transparent][/backcolor][/color][color=rgb(86, 1, 192)][backcolor=transparent][/backcolor][/color][/align]


[size=18px][align=left]雙子星開發案進入了最後的「價格標」,最後兩組人馬將會由誰勝出格外引人關注,左為南海團隊的設計方案,右為藍天電腦團隊的設計方案。(圖片來源/網路)[/align][align=left][size=16px]糾纏多時的台北市雙子星開發案,終於有著落了![/size][/align][align=left][size=16px]24日晚間台北市政府捷運局公告兩組申請人馬皆通過了第二階段的規格標,正式進入最後的「價格標」。根據《中央社》報導,廠商透露台北市捷運局可能於27日舉行最後階段的價格標開標,屆時由最優申請人得標。[/size][/align][align=left][size=16px]根據先前廠商說法,若是年底價格標完成,將會開始與台北市政府進行協商議約,最後在明年3月正式簽訂投資合約,若萬一議約不成,則由次順位者遞補議約。[/size][/align][align=left][size=22px]北市防流標設下重重障礙[/size][/align][align=left][size=16px]之所以台北雙子星大樓開發案會拖這麼久,是因為過去在郝市府時代,得標的團隊「太極雙星」竟然交不出投標申請保證金、履約保證金違約,最後相關人員也因為涉嫌貪污等罪遭起訴判刑。[/size][/align][align=left][size=16px]雖然流標高達5次,台北市在柯市府上任後卻仍積極推動雙子星開發計畫,但也設下條件,要求廠商需要符合淨值合併不低於160億元、流動資產不低於流動負債、總負債金額不超過淨值3倍等相關規定,目前兩邊團隊皆已通過相關審查。[/size][/align][align=left][size=22px]神秘台商藍天電腦[/size][/align][align=left][size=16px]這次雙子星開發案投標雖然只有兩間廠商,但其實都不是台灣一般大眾所熟悉的公司。首先是藍天電腦與宏匯集團組成的團隊(藍天、宏匯各出50%投標),藍天電腦是台灣老牌上市企業,主營業務為白牌筆電生產製造,並且在數十年前接手NOVA、頂新在中國的IT商城百腦匯後,至此正式跨足中國商用房地產市場。[/size][/align][align=left][size=16px]根據藍天的介紹,直至2018年第三季,總營收為157.28億元,淨利潤為14.24億元。電腦部門銷貨收入佔總營收68%,中國通路事業則佔剩下的32%。根據藍天電腦自行估算,其在台、日、中的商用不動產共37棟,估總市值達875億元。在法說會上,藍天電腦表示將海外的資產進行活化、以挹注雙子星投資和建設,在報給台北市政府的資料中,藍天電腦將在2019年認列89.5億元,2020年認列133億元。[/size][/align][/size][align=left][size=18px]<span]根據藍天的介紹,直至2018年第三季,總營收為157.28億元,淨利潤為14.24億元。電腦部門銷貨收入佔總營收68%,中國通路事業則佔剩下的32%。根據藍天電腦自行估算,其在台、日、中的商用不動產共37棟,估總市值達875億元。在法說會上,藍天電腦表示將海外的資產進行活化、以挹注雙子星投資和建設,在報給台北市政府的資料中,藍天電腦將在2019年認列89.5億元,2020年認列133億元。[/size][/align][align=left]<span][size=16px]南海發展有限公司為香港上市企業南海控股100%持有,南海控股本身經營房地產業務(房地產業務佔今年上半年營收59.13%),事業有96.47%位於中國。直至今年第三季為止,南海控股營收為86.36億港元,淨利潤為9.98億港元。[/size][/align][align=left][size=16px]而南海控股的董事長于品海,過去曾公開表示「親中愛台」,在台灣曾經擁有傳訊電視(中天新聞台前身),後賣給台灣和信集團。南海控股現在旗下擁有港媒「香港01」、以及總部設在北京的「多維雜誌」,去年南海控股也曾經以5億台幣入股台灣陽信銀行,佔股2.4%。南海控股子公司大地傳播,截至6月底止在全中國擁有已開業電影院476家、並跨足電影製作。[/size][/align][align=left][size=16px]另外出資2成的馬頓(Malton Berhad),則是馬來西亞「柏威年集團」旗下在馬來西亞上市的房地產開發商,柏威年集團在馬來西亞經營多間商用不動產、飯店。截至今年第三季財報為止,馬頓營收為1.58億令吉,淨利潤為466萬令吉。值得注意的是,根據南海控股年中報披露,柏威年集團負責人林小春以及其關聯公司,持有南海控股8.03%股份,位列第三大股東。[/size][/align][align=left][size=22px]雙子星將會落誰家?[/size][/align][align=left][size=16px]根據台北市政府說法,雙子星開發案至少需要投資606億元,隨著距離價格標的時間越來越近,而兩間公司也在上週陸續開記者會,展示自己的雙子星設計圖。預計2025年完工後,雙子星大樓將是台北市第二高樓。[/size][/align][align=left]<span]根據台北市政府說法,雙子星開發案至少需要投資606億元,隨著距離價格標的時間越來越近,而兩間公司也在上週陸續開記者會,展示自己的雙子星設計圖。預計2025年完工後,雙子星大樓將是台北市第二高樓。[/align][align=left]<span][size=16px]但面對超長的工期,與台北市府對雙子星所開出的最低分配比率與每坪1700元以上的「回租租金」最低要求,皆會對未來得標廠商的營運帶來挑戰,未來雙子星獎落誰家,也格外引人關注。[/size][/align][size=13px]https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%A5%9E%E7%A7%98%E5%8F%B0%E5%95%86-%E9%A1%9E-%E4%B8%AD%E8%B3%87%E7%9A%84%E5%8F%A6%E9%A1%9E%E5%B0%8D%E6%B1%BA-%E5%8F%B0%E5%8C%97%E9%9B%99%E5%AD%90%E6%98%9F%E9%96%8B%E7%99%BC%E6%A1%88%E6%9C%80%E5%BE%8C%E8%8A%B1%E8%90%BD%E8%AA%B0%E5%AE%B6-010627264.html[/size]
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Old Posted Dec 28, 2018, 4:33 AM
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Hong Kong consortium wins Taipei Towers bid
‘ARCHITECTURAL DOLDRUMS’:The towers would offer more than 60,000 ping of commercial space on the lower floors, offices in the middle and hotels at the top
By Crystal Hsu / Staff reporter

An undated illustration shows the winning concept design for the Taipei Twin Towers development project, submitted by Hong Kong-based Nan Hai Development Ltd.
Photo courtesy of the Taipei Department of Rapid Transit Systems
A foreign consortium led by a Hong Kong media tycoon won the “Taipei Twin Towers” development project, the Taipei Department of Rapid Transit Systems announced yesterday after five unsuccessful attempts to find a developer.

The consortium of Hong Kong-based Nan Hai Development Ltd (南海發展) and Malaysian property developer Malton Berhad was the most favored applicant for the project next to Taipei Railway Station, the department said, adding that the two sides are to ink a contract in March.

The team offered more generous terms that would allow landlords to keep more floor space and charge higher rents when construction of the mixed-use complex is completed in 2025, it said.

It is the sixth auction attempt for the project, which has been embroiled in bribery scandals for the past 20 years.

The consortium is competing against a local group comprised of computer maker Clevo Co (藍天電腦) and affiliate property developer Hongwell Group (宏匯集團).

The local team could take over if Nan Hai pulls out, the department said.

Nan Hai is to spend NT$60 billion (US$1.95 billion) on the project that would “wow” the region after its completion, chairman Yu Pun-hoi (于品海) told a news conference in Taipei earlier this month.

The team aims to develop two towers — one 65 stories tall and the other 53 stories tall — that would house retail stores on the lower floors, offices on the middle floors and hotel rooms on the upper floors, said Yu, who also chairs Nan Hai Corp (南海控股).

Nan Hai Holding Co (南海金控) is a listed firm in Hong Kong primarily engaged with businesses in China, Hong Kong, North America, Europe and Australia in the culture and media sectors, property development and IT application services.

“Taipei has not seen any eye-catching buildings for a while — not since the construction of Taipei 101 — and we aim to rescue the city from the architectural doldrums with the Taipei City One project,” Yu said.

The project is a real-estate development opportunity and a venue for launching an “online-offline merger” business model in Taiwan — persuading consumers within a physical business to make digital engagement purchases, Yu said.

The complex would add more than 60,000 ping (198,347m2) of commercial space to the area, Yu said, adding that he is not worried about a supply glut, because there are no competitors of a similar scale in the vicinity.

Real-estate prices in Taipei are relatively affordable, compared with that in other international Asian cities, suggesting ample room to improve on the team’s investment, he said.

The Clevo-Hongwell team told local media it would continue to invest in Taiwan, despite losing the contract.
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Old Posted Jan 3, 2019, 10:36 PM
bzcat bzcat is offline
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I do not like the winning design with those stacked boxes
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Old Posted Feb 18, 2019, 2:38 PM
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The presentation model for our winning Taipei Twin Towers design captures the vibrant atmosphere we envisioned for the centre of the Taiwanese capital.

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Old Posted Mar 12, 2019, 6:31 AM
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taiwan-city forum by ant
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Old Posted Mar 31, 2019, 5:15 AM
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Taipei Twin Towers Development Project Gets Stuck|雙子星案疑涉中資 立委要求投審會報告
C. Chuang

English News
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Threshold for Buying Alcohol Should be Higher: Doctor|醫師:提高買酒門檻斷絕來源才是根本

The Taipei Twin Towers development project may be delayed once more. Recently, New Power Party Legislator Hsu Yung-ming and others raised questions about Nan Hai Corporation, which won the project bid. According to reports, it pledged its stock to China's Central Huajin Investment Company. On Mar. 20, the legislature passed a resolution requiring the Investment Commission to present a report to the legislature before reviewing the case.

The Taipei Twin Towers development project is worth approximately NT$ 60 billion. It has been repeatedly criticized by Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je, and the review pace has been slow. The original schedule called for the contract to be signed in April. However, on Mar. 20, the legislature passed a resolution requiring the Investment Commission to present a report to the legislature before starting its review. This may delay the entire project.

The Investment Commission should investigate Nan Hai Corporation and whether it pledged its stock to Central Huajin Investment Company as well as the proportion, which shareholders did this, whether it will affect the future of Taipei Twin Towers, and whether the project will be transferred to Central Huajin Investment Company. These are all things we are worried about.

According to Legislator Hsu Yung-ming, the Investment Commission said in December last year that there were no issues with the two companies. On Mar. 4, it said it had already prepared application materials. On Mar. 18, the Ministry of Economic Affairs asked for supplementary materials because there were documents showing Nan Hai Corporation had pledged part of its equity to Central Huajin Investment Company.

Central Huajin Investment Company holds the collateral right, not the stock right. We are consulting with relevant parties to clarify the influence on the stock right composition and what can be exercised.

The project went through six rounds of bidding. At the end of last year, it was confirmed that Nan Hai Corporation, a Hong Kong company, had the best qualifications. The Investment Commission says it will abide by the legislature's resolution and the pace of the review process depends on the responses of several parties. It will ask the investor to supplement explanations. It stressed the review process will not be delayed.


時代力量立委 徐永明表示:「投審會表態這部分,他們要查南海有股東,把他們的股票質押給中國匯金,到底比例多少?那是哪些股東做這樣的事?會不會影響到未來雙子星?這東西會不會轉給中資公司?這是我們比較擔心的。」


投審會副執行祕書 楊淑玲表示:「中央匯金公司,他們持有的是抵押權的權益,而不是股權,對南海控股的股權結構的影響,以及他可以行使的內容部分,這部分我們已經在洽相關機關在釐清。」


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Old Posted Apr 1, 2019, 1:30 AM
oscarinho oscarinho is offline
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Ho my god...Once again.....This project is becoming hopeless.
They can not review the competitors before the bid, not after choosing them!
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Old Posted Apr 3, 2019, 3:17 AM
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Originally Posted by oscarinho View Post
Ho my god...Once again.....This project is becoming hopeless.
They can not review the competitors before the bid, not after choosing them!
Tell you a fact, Taipei City Government asked Central Competitors are these bidders Chinese Companies or Chinese Investors before bidding started, Central Government made statement said that they are not. So what is problem? politics...
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Old Posted Jun 26, 2019, 4:17 PM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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Source: http://focustaiwan.tw/news/aeco/201906260018.aspx

HK-based consortium rejected for Taipei twin towers project

2019/06/26 23:24:18

June 26 (CNA) The Taiwan government has withdrawn its decision to award the construction contract for the "Taipei Twin Towers" project to a Hong Kong-based consortium and a Malaysian property developer, due to national security concerns, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) said Wednesday.

Nan Hai Development Ltd. of Hong Kong and Malton Berhad of Malaysia had qualified last December in the bidding process as the most favored bidders for the multi-billion project in west Taipei, but in light of the former's close ties to China, the award of the contract to the two companies has been revoked, said Yang Shu-ling (楊淑玲), spokesperson for the MOEA's Investment Commission.

Nan Hai has been deemed a Chinese-funded enterprise because the financial statements of its parent company show that Nan Hai's administrative center and most of its employees and business operations are in China, while more than half of the board members of its parent company are Chinese citizens, Yang said.

Given that the pilot project is located in a specially designated area within Taipei Railway Station, which is the hub of Taipei's metro, bus, high speed rail and train systems, the project cannot be carried out by a consortium with such close links to China, she said.

Nan Hai's close ties to China could pose a grave threat to Taiwan's national security if it were allowed to develop the multipurpose complex, Yang said, citing Article 7 of Taiwan's Statute for Investment by Foreign Nationals.

The company has the right to file an appeal with the Cabinet within 30 days, she added.

Since last December when Nan Hai and Malton Berhad were selected by the Investment Commission as the most favored applicants, the two companies have placed about NT$1 billion in a fund in Taiwan and have set up a branch office in Taipei.

Commenting on the MOEA's decision, Nan Hai Development said it is consulting with its lawyers and will seek to protect its rights and resolve the issue through legal channels.

Taipei Department of Rapid Transit Systems Chief Secretary Wang Wei (王偉), meanwhile, said the MOEA's decision was regrettable but he respected it.

According to the terms of the contract, the government could move on to the next preferred bidder, Hongwell Group, or restart the tender process, Wang said.

(By Flor Wang, Christie Chen and Tsai Peng-min)
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Old Posted Jun 27, 2019, 9:10 AM
oscarinho oscarinho is offline
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WTF, here we go again. Hope they are going for the next bidder, which also had a nice design. Or if they restart the tender it's going to take years again.
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Old Posted Jun 27, 2019, 5:10 PM
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Originally Posted by oscarinho View Post
WTF, here we go again. Hope they are going for the next bidder, which also had a nice design. Or if they restart the tender it's going to take years again.
This is Taiwan, no surprise.
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