One Chicago Square Meeting
October 24, 2017
-15.98 FAR
-1.5 million sq ft
-795 apartments (900 sq ft avg)
-75 condos (2,700 sq ft avg)
-900 parking (225 for Holy Name)
-40,000 sq ft of boutique office.
-3 levels of underground parking
-50% of first floor for internal; loading
-250 person event space on 3rd floor of main tower
-2 floors of office above event space
-8-9 spa
-45,000 sq ft activated roof top (run by spa)
-base finished in stone (limestone)
-plan to run fountain in winter?
-interior turntable for delivery trucks
-$8,000,000 in annual taxes (where there's none now
-$7.7million paid into trust
-Density bonus $12,000,000 (80% to neighborhood opportunity) (10% adopt-a-landmark) (10% for neighborhood)
-affordable units (offsite)
-tuned mass damper
-$740,000,000 (project estimated cost)
-Rental $4.00 per sq ft.
-Break Ground September 2018?