Originally Posted by urbandreamer
Unfortunately, my next career requires me to know metric so really it's helping me learn the system.
Nothing wrong with posting both.
Cold and sunny again today, YWG topped out at -11, but as opposed to yesterday winds were very light so a better day, though definitely a midwinter's feel. The sun is now strong enough that even at that temp there was some melting, or more accurately evaporation.
All of Western Canada was unseasonably cold with most locations on the Prairies at or below the -20 mark this morning. Several locations fell below -30 including Saskatoon at -32. Even Vancouver had a killing frost, YVR dropping to -4 this morning.
Really hoping this will be the last of the truly winter weather. Snow tomorrow then a couple more seasonally cold days to follow and then moderating over the weekend and next week looks excellent with even the nights quite mild, so fingers crossed, the snow may be entirely gone by St. Patrick's Day.