Originally Posted by O-tacular
I wonder what they will say if Danielle Smith becomes Premier of AB, passes her Sovereignty act and declares that Alberta is free to pollute all it wants, won't pay equalization and won't follow any Federal laws? In addition she might throw in some anti Quebec and anti francophone stuff too. Will it be fine then?
Alberta doesn't pay equalization, it pays taxes to the federal government and that government has a program called equalization. To stop paying equalization, Alberta would have to stop paying taxes to Ottawa altogether. But even in Alberts just stopped paying its share of equalization, it would not be that bad. The equalization pot is about 20 billion $ and Alberta pays 15 % of it (as Alberta represent about 15 % of GDP) which means more or less 3 billion $. Québec received about 65 % of equalization which means 2 billion from Alberta. A good amount but not irreplaceable. I would gladly let that amount go it that means Albertans can't complain anymore, but I thing they would prefer pay it and keep complaining...
Well, as anti-Francophones measures, Alberta could close all French universities... wait, what French universities? Ok, they could close all French hospitals... oops, same problem... They could stop giving traffic tickets in French... no, they already don't do that. Calgary could stop translating its municipal election guide in French... no, it is translated in 10 languages but not in French. Hmmm! I suppose Alberta could open work camps for Francophones, but I don't see anything like that happening in Alberta (and if it did, maybe we should stop buying Alberta oil and start buying Saudi Arabia oil instead...).