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Old Posted Jun 19, 2018, 4:45 AM
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Originally Posted by madrian View Post
Is this still getting built?
Yes, but no idea when.
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Old Posted Jun 19, 2018, 4:46 AM
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Old Posted Aug 5, 2018, 2:37 AM
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5大團隊 爭搶世紀標案
8.5k 人追蹤
2018年8月5日 上午5:50
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美國私募基金Bainbridge Investment已結盟美國寶洋集團(Treasure Ocean Group)合組台灣「Taipei Global Parners Group」台灣全球夥伴集團(簡稱TGP)。TGP表示,團隊成員還包括派拉蒙影業、硬石飯店集團、香港鷹君集團的朗廷酒店Langham、AR+AI團隊及台灣榮民工程公司,態度相當積極;此外,據悉連沙國王子阿不都拉(Prince Abudulla)也表態將加入TGP,聯手競標台北雙子星。


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Old Posted Sep 2, 2018, 9:33 AM
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[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][size=16px]藍天爭雙子星 邀銀行團聯貸[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][/color]

[align=left][size=18px]台北雙子星大樓標案概況 台北雙子星案將在10月1日截標,圖為雙子星大樓基地。圖/本報資料照片[/size][/align]
[/color][float=right][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][size=16px][color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][size=15px][size=12px]2018年08月27日 04:10 [color=rgb(51, 102, 204)]工商時報[/color] [color=rgb(51, 102, 204)]朱漢崙[/color]、[color=rgb(51, 102, 204)]蔡惠芳[/color]/台北報導
[align=left]被視為台灣史上招商金額最大的「台北市西區門戶計畫台北車站特定專用區C1/D1(東半街廓)土地開發案」徵求投資人一案,主辦單位台北市政府捷運局在去年4月正式遴選,由美商仲量聯行公司擔任招商專業服務顧問,採國際標方式重新啟動招商作業。[/align][/color][align=left][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]捷運局和仲量聯行今年3月31日上網公告徵求投資人,預計今年10月1日截標,明年1月評選出最優申請人、3月底與最優申請人完成投資契約簽訂。[/color][/align]

[align=left]據悉,目前檯面下最有興致的競標團隊,以藍天電腦(宏匯集團)、美國私募基金Bainbridge+榮工工程團隊、國揚實業+金融保險業、入股陽信銀行的港資南海控股公司、國泰人壽+三井住友等團隊,最為積極。此外,業界也傳出富邦可能與晶華結盟加入戰局。至於上述團隊和人馬屆時會否再各自整合、串連,各種可能的「合縱連橫」排列組合發展都受業界高度矚目。[/align][align=left]其中藍天集團和國揚集團,是目前爭取金融界提供融資意向書,競逐台北雙子星大樓標案態度最積極的兩大團隊,目前已知,除了國揚集團已由合庫等銀行為其出具融資意向書,藍天集團是在兩周前大手筆找來約15家公股、民營銀行舉行說明會,其中八大公股行庫更全部到場。藍天在會中已明確表態,希望銀行能助陣藍天取得融資意向書,所需要的融資部位大約500億元。[/align][align=left]藍天電腦的宏匯集團,向來積極參與地產開發與BOT案,董事長許崑泰多年來也深諳兩岸商用不動產的投資和經營,對於精華地段不動產更是情有獨鍾。去年底還斥資48億元,動工興建BOT指標案「內湖之心」,並多次公開表態將參與競標「台北雙子星」。[/align][align=left]美國私募基金Bainbridge Investment更是來勢洶洶,去年12月已派團隊進駐台北,並與美國寶洋集團(Treasure Ocean Group)共組「台灣全球夥伴集團(Taipei Global Parners Group,簡稱TGP)。TGP表示,已結合美國派拉蒙影業、美國硬石飯店國際集團、香港鷹君集團的朗廷酒店、AR+AI團隊、及榮工;8月間更與沙烏地阿拉伯王子阿不都拉(Prince Abudulla)簽署合作文件,共同競標台北雙子星。[/align][align=left]另外,香港南海控股也被點名是備標台北雙子星相當積極的外資法人,為以房地產開發起家的香港上市公司。[/align][align=left](工商時報)[/align]
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Old Posted Sep 2, 2018, 9:33 AM
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Old Posted Sep 2, 2018, 3:16 PM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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Source: https://news.housefun.com.tw/news/ar...842205363.html

A Shocking photo captures packed slums stacked next to the Twin Towers.
Is it really the Gate of Taipei?

The huge contrast is similar to Makati city, Manila, Philippines.
But buildings in makati city are placed even more orderly than Taipei.

"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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Old Posted Sep 3, 2018, 1:31 AM
oscarinho oscarinho is offline
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Yes it is, Taiwan and their beloved illegal rooftop constructions.
And off most of the people don;t care how the building look like, the most important is it's value on the market.
I see often rotten building ( i mean never washed or taken care at) with luxury sport cars inside.
Taiwan is a rare country where the buildings/ architecture don't really reflect
peoples wealth.
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Old Posted Sep 30, 2018, 12:50 PM
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台北雙子星計畫 明截標
2018-09-30 00:39經濟日報 記者黃阡阡/台北報導






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Old Posted Sep 30, 2018, 1:00 PM
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Bid date is tomorrow and decision will made in 3 months later.
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Old Posted Oct 1, 2018, 9:06 AM
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Taipei Main Station Special Zone C1/D1 (East Veranda) Joint Land Development
Benchmark Investment Opportunity in Taipei, Tendering period 31 March ~ 1 October, 2018

For more information
Please contact JLL Taiwan Strategic Consulting
+886 2 8758 9898

臺北車站特定專用區C1/D1土地開發案今日上午截標 共 2 組廠商投標


北市捷運局說明,C1/D1土地開發案採資格、規格及價格標三階段開標,第一階段資格標預計12月初完成並通知申請人,12月底前將完成規格評審及價格評比,並選出最優申請人及次優申請人,預定明(108)年3月底與最優申請人完成簽約。為落實招商公開透明,該局結合法務部廉政署及臺北地檢署成立廉政平臺監督,並將相關資訊公布於捷運局官網,以確保C1/D1 土地開發案能公平、公正、公開的進行。


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Old Posted Oct 1, 2018, 9:08 AM
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Two consortium are confirmed, that have submitted tender document for this bid. Hope we can have good result in Next January.
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Old Posted Oct 1, 2018, 4:35 PM
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BRIEF-Nan Hai Submits Bid For Property Project In Taipei
Reuters Reuters1 October 2018
Oct 1 (Reuters) - Nan Hai Corporation Ltd:



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Old Posted Oct 23, 2018, 9:28 AM
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撇清陸資疑雲 雙子星投標廠商自比純台灣土狗
182出版時間:2018/10/23 16:54





宏匯集團目前在雙北市積極參與不少公共建設案,預計自明年起,陸續將有台北市內湖區「內科之心」,及新北市新莊區「宏匯新北廣場」、「i Tower辦公大樓」等個案陸續完工。積極佈局商用不動產市場,黃坤泰坦言:「為積極籌備雙子星案,我們暫時沒有其他拓展計劃,希望得標後專心經營此案。」(詹宜軒/台北報導)

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Old Posted Oct 23, 2018, 9:30 AM
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「台北雙子星」陸資投標疑雲!? 藍天、宏匯集團喊話:我是正港台灣人










宏匯集團為許崑泰董事長於民國86年創立,主要從事商業不動產開發、設計規劃、興建與經營管理業務,以經營商場、A級辦公大樓、五星級飯店為強項。近年宏匯積極參與台灣公共建設,包含台北市「內科之心」、新北市新莊的宏匯新北廣場以及新莊副都心的i Tower辦公大樓與凱悅嘉軒酒店等BOT案,總開發面積達 13.4 萬坪,總投資金額約台幣150億元,各案開發進度穩定超前,預計109年起陸續投入營運。預估50年契約期間內,三大BOT案將為政府創造至少新台幣 76 億元以上的權利金收益,貢獻超過 200 億元台幣稅收,並增加 1萬個以上就業機會。




原文網址: 「台北雙子星」陸資投標疑雲!? 藍天、宏匯集團喊話:我是正港台灣人 | ETtoday房產雲 | ETtoday新聞雲 https://house.ettoday.net/news/1288307#ixzz5UkFrmm42
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Old Posted Oct 23, 2018, 9:36 AM
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HongWell Group will hire S.O.M to redesign this project. The other competitor Nan Hai Corporation Limited will hire MVRDV.
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Old Posted Oct 23, 2018, 1:03 PM
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Old Posted Oct 24, 2018, 4:17 AM
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Clevo head unveils Twin Towers plan
ZERO CHINESE CAPITAL:Kent Hsu said his team would work with the US architecture firm that designed the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, adding that he has already secured loans
By Crystal Hsu / Staff reporter

Contract computer maker Clevo Co (藍天電腦) and its affiliate Hongwell Group (宏匯集團) yesterday shed light on their plans for a multibillion-dollar development project near Taipei Railway Station.

The consortium is one of two teams that submitted a tender for the Taipei Twin Towers development project, whose winner is to be announced by the city government in December.

“We are 100 percent Taiwanese investors without a penny of Chinese capital,” Clevo chairman and the consortium’s head Kent Hsu (許坤泰) told a media briefing in Taipei.

Hsu, who owns Chicony Electronics Co (群光電子) and the China-based Buynow (百腦匯) retail chain, said he and his family have been at the helm of Hongwell Group since its establishment in 1997.

Group president KT Huang (黃坤泰) said Hsu made a fortune through his stakes in Clevo and Chicony, both listed companies, as well as business ventures in China.

Commercial properties under Hongwell’s management amount to 1.03 million ping (3.4 million square meters), or equal to 10 Taipei 101s combined, Hsu said.

The group has experience in joint ventures with the government, as it is responsible for three such projects in Taipei’s Neihu District (內湖) and New Taipei City’s Sinjhuang District (新莊).

Hongwell said it would work with US architecture and engineering firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM), to build the complex.

SOM is known for designing iconic buildings, with its portfolio including the One World Trade Center in New York and Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Hongwell said.

Hsu said that 16 local lenders have agreed to provide loans for 60 percent of the NT$60 billion (US$1.94 billion) project, if he is awarded the contract, while his companies would provide the remaining 40 percent.

“I do not have a profit target in mind as long as the investment generates higher rental incomes than time deposits,” Hsu said, adding that he has made property investments along railways and MRT systems.


The ongoing trade dispute between the US and China would not affect his property investment decisions, since the project would take seven years to complete, he said.

Hsu’s consortium is competing against a team consisting of Hong Kong’s Nan Hai Corp (南海控股) and Malaysian property developer Pavilion Group (柏威年集團).

The Nan Hai-Pavilion team earlier this month told local Chinese-language media that there is no Chinese capital in the companies.

The mixed-use complex is to house office and retail space, as well as hotel rooms.

The city government had failed to find bidders for the project, which has been at the center of a series of bribery scandals over the past 20 years.

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Old Posted Oct 25, 2018, 2:49 PM
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Old Posted Oct 25, 2018, 2:50 PM
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Old Posted Oct 29, 2018, 11:30 AM
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ELECTIONS: Ko meets with advisory group of 400 business leaders
By Lee I-chia / Staff reporter

Former president Ma Ying-jeou, second right, and Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei mayoral candidate Ting Shou-chung, left behind Ma, shake hands with supporters yesterday during a “walkabout” election campaign event in Taipei’s Gongguan District.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times
1 2 3
Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) yesterday for the first time met with the advisory group for his re-election campaign and touted the city’s investment potential.

About 400 people from the business sector, including from the tourism, information technology and environmental services industries, attended the meeting.

Ko’s opponents have said that he has a poor record of attracting investment to the capital.

Ko said that although he did not sign any build-operate-transfer (BOT) development projects in the first two years of his term, Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) also did not sign any in their first two years as Taipei mayor.

Investors tend to just watch a new city administration for the first two years, Ko said, adding that Taipei attracted the most projects of any city from his third year and he expects the capital to attract the most investment for at least the next three years.

Total investment in BOT projects and other development projects in Taipei was about NT$29.9 billion (US$964.3 million) in his third year and reached a cumulative total of NT$39.8 billion this year, he said, adding that the Taipei Twin Towers project is expected to attract even more investment next year.

Foreign nationals invest in projects in Taipei because the city government is “very clean” and has clear regulations, Ko said.

Separately yesterday, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei mayoral candidate Ting Shou-chung (丁守中) was joined by former president Ma and KMT Vice Chairman Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) in Taipei’s Gongguan (公館) area, while Democratic Progressive Party (DDP) Taipei mayoral candidate Pasuya Yao (姚文智) held a parade in Daan Forest Park (大安森林公園) in the afternoon.

Speaking on the sidelines, Yao said that Ko had “adopted a belittling attitude toward social justice, viewing it as trash, to butter up members of the National Women’s League and gain their votes.”

Ko on Saturday spoke at a veterans’ village cultural symposium on transitional justice alongside league chairwoman Joanna Lei (雷倩).

He said that transitional justice “should be about solving current problems first, followed by preventing them from happening again, while investigating liability for past incidents should be last,” as calling people to account for historical crimes first would create a litany of problems.

He also defended the league and the China Youth Corps — both of which the Cabinet’s Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee ruled to be KMT affiliates — saying: “They are operating properly now.”

The groups illegally profited from so-called “donations” during the former KMT regime, but that “will not happen again, so why do you [the asset committee] care about what it did in the past?” he said.

Committee spokeswoman Shih Chin-fang (施錦芳) yesterday said that Ko’s remarks seemed to indicate that murderers could be freed from prison as long as they repent.

Politicians with such core belief “seem very dangerous,” Shih said.

Ko said his remarks were to highlight “the order of importance for issues of justice.”

A conversation with former Polish president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Lech Walesa this year taught him the importance of “sequence” when dealing with issues of justice, he said.

Walesa taught him to deal with the problems at hand first, then prevent matters from happening again and investigate liability last, Ko said.

The city government’s dealings with the China Youth Corps made that advice relevant, he said.

Confrontation between the pan-blue and pan-green camps seems to be especially intense before elections, so his remarks are often overinterpreted, Ko said.

Additional reporting by Chung Hung-liang and Shen Pei-yao
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