Originally Posted by homebucket
Why not connect it to Phase II of CAHSR (the LA to SD route) since it'll be swinging through ONT? The additional track connecting from the Rancho Cucamonga Brightline West station to wherever the CAHSR ONT station will be shouldn't be more than 4-6 miles in length, far shorter than this proposed 54 mile route. Or really, the most simple solution, interline Brightline with the existing Metrolink San Bernardino Line, if the ultimate goal is to provide direct service between Union Station and Las Vegas.
That may still happen in the future but you have to start somewhere.
Here are the facts:
1. CAHSR has approved EIR now from Palmdale to Union Station. Construction on this segment will start relatively soon (land acquisition right now). There is no EIR from Union Station to San Diego (only preliminary analysis) and no construction will start at least for another 10-15 years. The run-thru tracks at Union Station have to be in place first anyway and that project is taking forever to start construction.
2. High Desert Corridor is starting EIR stage so it will be ready for construction by the time CAHSR is building the Palmdale to LA segment so timing wise, it will happen way sooner than hypothetic Rancho Cucamonga to Ontario connection.
3. High Desert Corridor has some funding from the cancelled highway project.
4. Metrolink has refused to even consider simple electrification (they are pursing hydrogen toy train idea) so interlining with San Bernardino line is a pipedream. The only interlining opportunity in the near future is with CAHSR via Palmdale.
5. Metrolink will need to be dragged kicking and screaming into electrification once CAHSR does its EIR for the LA to SD segment. And it is no guarantee that it will select the alignment that goes to Ontario. If Metrolink won't electrify, maybe CAHSR will opt to build its own tracks like it is doing from Palmdale to Burbank.