Texas is already on the verge of going blue, are you kidding me? Ted Cruz beat Beto O'Rourke only by a hairsbreadth in the race for his own senate seat.
Hell......Ryentwo this has been going on for as long as i have been alive- The Texas transplant. I would not bet against the "Texas miracle". Whenever the American economy crashes; the displaced- "head for Texas", where opportunity always abounds. I remember the recession in the eighties, during this time Texas was suffering badly. Office space over build of millions of square feet, oil prices dropped from $32.00 to sixteen dollars per bbl. Real estate values dropped steeply and still the yankees came to Texas because things were far, far worse in Detroit and the northeast. The Japanese were building far better cars for a cheaper price , Detroit went into an economic tailspin. This is about the time that Chrysler went bankrupt. Lots of displaced workers- all the way down the supply chains, also. Came to Texas.
Yes, Texas is a generation behind the curve, you are right. Socially backwards. A backwater place without culture. Yes, I am from Texas.
Originally Posted by sewaneetigers
As long as it doesn't turn blue, it'll last.
"Texas is a generation behind the curve" - lol