I've always considered Gotham City to be a Tokyo-sized Chicago (with a dash of Hong Kong and a hint of Tokyo) located in the general region of New York City. Gahh, I loved Batman Begins unique interpretation of the city, where they went all out and created a full CGI city in one shot, as well as including the massive elevated rail network in many shots of the skyline (which had many CGI buildings carrying strong architectural resemblance with Chicago, but different enough to be unique)
In The Dark Knight, it seems like they just said "meh, who cares", and completely half-assed all of what they built in the first one. Instead of making Gotham a unique looking city, they just said "WTH, no one will notice obvious Chicago buildings, so why bother??????? LOL!!!" haha, anyone agree?
Sorry about that, I don't think that little rumination was worth an entire thread and since it was sort of being talked about...