Originally Posted by thegoatman
sad, but lets be honest, this might be another croony, smollett like case. Couple days ago everybody was in uproar about papers of a noose being found all over Hyde Park. Turns out it was some suburban black girl promoting her play. Either way, this is nothing to stop construction for, move the fuck on and lets finish this
We don't know this^ for sure. And until we know otherwise its best not to speculate or draw conclusions until they have completed their investigation. Moreover, the 'noose' has been used to take hundreds if not thousands of African American lives through the years -- killed them DEAD for virtually no other reason than the color of their skin. If you or your race suffered such a grave injustice and one of the symbols of that injustice brought to the fore, it might not be so easy for you to be so dismissive and "move the fuck on".
This... spoken from experience. I am an African American attorney... whose Great Uncle was lynched. A monument to him rests here:
"Think" before you write.
That said, I am sure the stoppage is not permanent and is to make sure that security is tightened/protocols implemented so that this does not happen again and to hopefully catch the perpetrator - no matter which race (Black, White, etc.) the perpetrator may be.
We all want work to resume.... and I am quite sure that it will at the proper time.