Originally Posted by jammer139
Although not part of the official TVP this lookout over Highland woods is being considered to be removed after only 2 years. Sadly we have too many people who won't respect our trail systems and dump their garbage and litter and use them as their dogs toilet. Would love to see an education campaign to educate people about proper respect for our trails and the do's and don't.
Some people just don't get it, or the effort to reach and educate them would be too great compared to the impact.
What I find funny is these people probably have to spend hours toodling around in their vehicles hauling their trash and wasting their own time, at a cost far above the $10 or whatever to drop it off at the local dump.
People do this crap despite free bulk pickup by most waste collectors (just need to place a call or send a message), despite being able drop off items like tires and old appliances and metals for free at waste transfer stations... heck, put just about anything of substance out front on garbage day and some picker will probably come by in the night and take it away.
It's a big problem here too.
And I hope there's a special place in hell for some dog owners who let their pets defecate everywhere but don't clean it up. Every spring, as the snowpiles melt, major and very public trails in Hamilton literally smell like sh!t. Because as it turns out, snow does not dissolve dog poop and make the ground smell like cotton candy.