I don't know why, but I think the no-perspective Skecthup exports are the best way to present you're designs. Don't get me wrong, your designs look great rendered, but there's just something about those no-perspective shots - especially that brownish one. They look really, really great! The desings are unique and interesting - as always - and the skyline is very well balanced.
Well computer got full up with pics and no
room for sketchup so was planning to buy
macpro but went for cheap option fo getting
external harddrive,so have downloaded s.u
again....time go get sketching again.
wonderful church above.
I just thought, if you push the front in kind of scale rips converging to ground could be even greater. What do you think a try?
Entrance between the rips at side. Would be a great church totally different to now, never immagined before.