Originally Posted by The ATX
I doubt that the State will sell any of the parking garages to private developers, and I don't think the State will build any housing. I'm guessing the parking will be moved underground and we'll continue to get mid-rise State offices. It would be nice if a museum was tossed into the mix.
Interesting that this address is not one that was included in the 2016 master plan in any of the three phases nor in the potential future buildings sites.
I wonder if this is just the REJ Conference Center, or if this includes the San Jacinto Garage (a structure that the state had, in 2016, planned to leave as is as well).
This is going to be an interesting test case, regardless, where some of the CVCs that pass over the site are city code and others are state law. Notwithstanding other definitions of the phrase “higher and better use,” the state cannot go much higher anywhere on the parcel than currently exists (maybe 20 feet?). That has me wondering if the state plans to deliberate exercise its power over the city and ignore city statute prescribed CVCs to maximize height and use. This could potentially impact the Red River CVC and the I-35 Upper Deck. I sincerely hope the state flexes its muscle here and goes taller on the latter since that view won’t exist soon anyway, but Red River is the only protected vantage North Austin where the Capitol dome can be seen and it would be a shame to lose it.