Originally Posted by OTA in Winnipeg
Who are they spending time with? I look Caucasian though I'm definitely of mixed heritage, including Naskapi Inuit and I virtually never hear that kind of thing (except of course in comments online but that shit's so bad now that I never read it). I call out blatant racism in a second if I see it.
I mean, we should probably be talking about Portage Place, or whatever it'll be called. I still think it's weird how often race is brought up in an engineering forum, but I guess social issues have to be brought up when discussing urban changing projects.
There are a few examples of "white" presenting people out there, but I'll stick to my own family. A couple decades ago my step dad worked as a maintenance man/carpenter for a big power providing company here in the province. He's Icelandic/Cree and presents heavily as a viking. In many locations where this company exists also exists majority native populations, except for the company of course. So lunch break wasn't fun. He let them know one day what the other half of his genes are. Crickets sound better anyway.
My wife's mother's side is a long time metis family like mine while the other half is Polish. She presents Polish with extra slavic/ojibwa cheeks. She will get it from both sides, but moreso when she was younger and people in her line of work didn't know her background. I don't want to say where she works, she's still there, but like I said, either they don't know she's metis and let the ignorant comments fly (particularly in politically intense times like now), or she's not native enough for certain roles! Which reminds me of when she told me she didn't get the job at NCI, before we met, as an administrative assistant because as she would face the public, she wasn't native enough. Yes this shit flies both ways.
I have a branch of the close family tree peoples that have treaty cards, blonde hair, blue eyes. Guess how much flack they get from all sides... Poor bastards.
Those who don't see what's going on either have the sweet privilege where they don't have to see it or feel it upon themselves, or they've been consciously or ignorantly ignoring it. This is Canada, it's hard to see, easy to miss, because 9 out 10 times it's passive aggressive comments or actions. "Victims" (too big a word?... oh well, let's continue) of passive aggressive racism feel it like death from a 1000 cuts. One passive aggressive comment or action might just push someone over the edge.
Look, I have to have a sense of humour about this. It's ridiculous, I have to laugh at the absurdity of judging ones' character, their value as a human being(!) based on some skin pigment! But I feel so bad for the younger generations that have absolutely no coping mechanisms, so when they hear "your native, natives make up most of Manitoba's criminals." That's like, Gee mister, I'll take that vote of confidence right into my 8x12, FML. Thanks!
I don't know what the answer is to this stupid human condition, but how about we start with having a little f'n respect and compassion for our fellow humans, regardless of where they came from or what they look like!?!