It's easy to be certain when Winnipeg (~835k) and Quebec City (~840k) contain hundreds of thousands more people than the other CMAs brought into discussion. Per the 2021 census, besides Hamilton (~785k), the next is KWC (~575k), London (~543k), and Halifax (~465k).
When the 2026 census is released both Winnipeg and Quebec will be at, over, or near
900,000. The other Metros (
besides Hamilton) will still be hundreds of thousands of people behind.
As for KWC, the tech sector is getting pummelled in 2023. Shopify gutted 20% of its total workforce. After Microsoft laid off many in January, another round of layoffs have recently been announced at Microsoft Canada (I have an acquaintance that was one of the recent unlucky folks). Alphabet and Meta have laid off thousands in the past 6-8 months. The whole sector is affected. As this is KWC's
bread and butter no doubt that will affect population growth.
It's really unfortunate as CBRE had recently listed Toronto as the 3rd best region for tech talent in North America and the fastest growing tech sector (2016-2021) in North America.