North Portal to Beinfait twinning open house:
Estevan to Bienfait – Pre-construction Update (Bienfait to North Portal - Long-Term Planning Route)
You are invited to attend a public open house for two very important highway projects for Highway 39 southeast of Estevan.
The open house will focus on:
1) The route selection and details about the upcoming twinning construction work between Estevan and Bienfait; and
2) The long-term route planning for the possible future twinning or passing lane construction from Bienfait to North Portal.
Through an informal come and go format, this will be an opportunity for the public to discuss these two projects and provide input, ideas and suggestions.
DATE: Tuesday, February 10, 2015
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Bienfait Weldon School - Gymnasium
802 Weldon Road, Bienfait, SK
Representatives will be on hand from the consultant MMM Group and the Ministry of
Highways and Infrastructure.
For more information please contact:
Bruce Belmore, MMM Group Limited
Phone: 306-522-7158 ext. 226
E-mail at
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