Originally Posted by matt602
Definitely a building with LOTS of unrealized potential.
Couldn't agree more - Anybody ever considered putting a grocery store in there? Its proximity to the high density Durand neighborhood, high ceilings, and the lack of a good grocery store nearby (within walking distance, with heavy bags) makes it seem like a no-brainer.
That building has irked me since I moved here - Anybody know the precise reason the feds abandoned it in the first place? Such a shame to see it go to waste. . .
Has the city ever taken action on negligent property owners that disfigure the core by letting otherwise sound buildings go to waste? I seem to recall the city of Vancouver taking action in the early 90s on absentee residential landlords who let their properties go to seed - I believe their properties were expropriated if they didn't clean them up in a certain amount of time. . . Now there's a thought!