Originally Posted by The mayor
Sounds like you want Regina to become a second-class city that has nothing good just because you don’t want it, the city is suffered long enough because of people like you change is needed we are already 50 years behind Saskatoon. Thanks to people like you.
hah hah hah. No I think you've got an error in your statement. Regina IS a second class city that has been managed like a dumpster fire by politicians and administrations for the last 15 + years. They focus on mega projects with not enough funding in place or under budgeted for the conditions, get ONE massive mega project built and then pat themselves on the back and say look at the legacy we left...but never mind the dumpster fire all around the one building.
The city needs to get its financial house and management in order before starting another 9 figure infrastructure project. Fiacco and Fougere were attrocious with Mosiac and not spending on anything else and/or investing where it should have been and now we got Masters and her aquatic center that will end up being no where close to the budget they annouced and the City of Regina will end up holding the bag. The aquatic centre should go on the REAL District Lands to develop those out and leave the rest of the land to housing.
Pure and Simple.
A company with no money doesn't go buy a private jet or a golden office tower first, they get a plan in place and cashflow in place, that is not a concept this council or administration has.