Originally Posted by fengshui
My post in the regular Winnipeg construction thread didn't go into much detail other than the fact that I hate it and hope it's not the final design (and I think people are just excited about it just because we really need a new stadium and will take anything that might possibly get built at this point)
Now, they say it's partially covered, but if you look at it, it won't protect you from anything Winnipeg will throw at you. I think the blue arches look neat, but would rather have some sort of material between the arches acting as protection from the elements. And they could have two smaller gold arches on the other side, that'd look neat perhaps.
Another thing I don't like is that it doesn't look expandable or upgradable. If it's going to be built I'd like for such options to be left open.
I also feel that the ballpark and mts centre do a good job of integrating into their surroundings, offering excellent concessions and places to mingle with other fans. This stadium doesn't seem to let people explore, it just seems to be a bunch of seats, and stairs, like the current stadium, and in the same location while serviceable Doesn't offer much of a view.
Those are my impressions. I hope if Asper gets his way they at least work on the design to reflect the city more and also think more about why the current arena and ballpark are liked. (I think the people also got to give a lot of input into those facilities as well, poll the bomber fans in the city for a concensus. Don't just build the first thing you come up with)