I''l take a stab from south to north:
1. Third GP lane add/on drop-off from 32nd Ave. to KGH;
2. 6-lane cross-section from KGH to Hwy 17/SFPR;
(does not take into account future Serpentine/Southern Freeway connections to Hwy 99 - ensure overpasses have enough clearance for at least 4 lanes per direction)
3. 8-lane cross-section from Hwy 17 NB;
4. New 6-8 lane cable stayed Bridge; Retain GMT for HOV lane + shoulder; GMT still requires considerable seismic upgrading;
5. 8-lane cross-section from GMT to WH/Hwy 91 exits;
6. New 4-lane Steveston Hwy interchange;
7. New Blundell Rd. interchange;
8. New WH interchange;
9. Short C/D system for WH/Hwy 91 S access/egress points;
10. 6 lanes from WH to Hwy 91 N egress/access points;
11. 8 lanes northward to 8 lane OSB, with drop-off lane at Marine Dr.
12. 6 - 8 lane expansion of Knight St. Bridge;
BTW, Delcan engineering did some preliminary review of the Hwy 99/Oak St. Bridge expansion at page 7 of the following link with cost estimates of ~$800 million. You can probably double or triple the cost estimates based upon their other estimates contained therein.