Originally Posted by ColDayMan
The Kansas City of the Eastern Time Zone.
Couldn't disagree more. KC blows away Indy in every aspect except Indy has a fairly vibrant and busy downtown. KC will catch up in a hurry though. Everything else about KC vs Indy from the urban core to the burbs totally leans KC's way and that is my honest to god, non biased opinion.
Now Cincinnati is a different story. I have a whole new respect for Cincy. I have only been there one time and that was a long time ago and I didn't spent much time there.
I now consider Cincy as a top Midwestern city. I would even give it the edge over larger St Louis and for the most part, it kicks KC's ass when it comes to urbanity.
The northwest side of Indy has some KCMO traits, but even it is lacking. The urban core of Indy is extremely lacking in density and most of the city is more on par with OKC. The old parts of indy deserve some credit, but overall, I was thoroughly unimpressed by the city as whole outside the shopping district of downtown and the riverwalk.
Don't get me wrong, I like the city. But it makes KC seem like a much larger and urban city than it is when you compare the two.