Originally Posted by onetimetoomany
There is no shortage of vacant retail spaces nearby so I’m not fully in agreement with the need to include retail space here.
See, there are multiple issues with this line of thinking.
1) This building will likely be here for 100-150 years minimum. Will there never be a need for retail immediately adjacent to a massive rapid transit LRT project? I doubt it. In fact I'd be willing to bet there would be demand immediately for spaces that went in here.
2) Hamilton struggles with vacancy for many reasons. Lack of customers with income to buy things is one, but also the issue of quality retail space. I'm as much a fan of Mulberry, The Brain and Bread Bar on James, but those are maintained buildings. Many retail and commercial spaces in Hamilton haven't been touched in 40 years and tenant is completely responsible to bring it up to shape in most cases. Those empty retail units nearby this building at likely empty because of this reason. Until the property is sold, someone fixes it up, and actually tries to find tenants you're going to have vacancies. My partner worked for the Barton Street BIA and told me many commercial unit owners on that street don't even want tenants, or want to rent it out.
3) New units are better for certain types of needs. While a cool, brick walled hipster dentist is
cool in reality, most dentists want a new build with limited effort to fix up and maintain. Old buildings come with old problems, and even one that's fixed up can be difficult to deal with. A basement bathroom is a lot more suited to a bar than a dentist or optometrist. Accessible entrances also make more sense for these and a small doctors office.