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Old Posted Mar 10, 2014, 5:51 PM
bomberjet bomberjet is offline
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To keep the conversation going, some quotes pulled from the "Wpg: Chief Peguis Trail Extension" Thread.

Originally Posted by Biff View Post
Well, in some sense, that is what we are getting. This most recent budget there is money for the Headingley bypass which will feature 2 interchanges: a small diamond somewhere in the middle as a connector to Portage and a grade separated interchange for the connection to Hwy 1 around the White Horse - approx $250 million.

The south Perimeter is also getting its first phase of median widening from St Mary's east to Hwy 1 and possibly interchange grading at St Mary's, St Anne's and Waverley - approx $250 million.
Originally Posted by Reignman View Post
Wow! First I have heard of this! I thought I heard the SW perimeter was getting upgraded first. When was this announced? Between the two traffic lights and the numerous median openings allowing direct left turns out of the passing lane, this is the worst section of the entire perimiter in my opinion.

Speaking of that particular stretch, has there ever been any talk of upgrading 59/100 interchange from parclo to full cloverleaf?
Originally Posted by Biff View Post
I am unsure which part, the eastern or western portion will go first now that you mention that. I know that they are having issues with land acquisition around Hwy 3 so that might delay the eastern portion. It would really be nice to see the Oak Bluff grade separation get built sooner than later.
Originally Posted by Reignman View Post
Speaking of that particular stretch, has there ever been any talk of upgrading 59/100 interchange from parclo to full cloverleaf?
Originally Posted by Bomberjet
MIT just recently completed (2013?) a large rehab of that interchange, including slope stabilization. So i would say that is not going to happen in the near future unfortunately. Seems like it wouldn't be too much work to get that done though.
Originally Posted by Reignman View Post
Yes, that's true...I believe it was rehabbed last year. Not sure why that wouldn't have been made a full cloverleaf at time of construction..

One beef I have with these interchange rehabs the province is undertaking is - if you're going to shut down an interchange for 6 months at a time (or more), why not do any and all repairs required during that time period? For example, for the Pembina/perimeter interchange which just reopened maybe two months ago...the pavement on the SW loop (which is the only loop I ever use, so I can't speak for the others) is in horrible condition...why not resurface that while the interchange is already closed?
Originally Posted by Bomberjet
Found this paragraph in the backgrounder released by the Province for the budget.

Strong infrastructure and a growing economy
Investments in core infrastructure keep businesses competitive and growing, and they create good job and training opportunities for families. Manitoba’s new $5.5-billion, five-year plan will build key infrastructure, boost Manitoba’s economy by $6.3 billion and create more than 58,000 jobs for families. Highlights include:
• historic investments in Manitoba’s major trade routes including PTH 75, the Trans-Canada Highway, PTH 10, PTH 12, PTH 6 and the North Perimeter Highway at PTH 59;
• the largest-ever provincial investment of $250 million to renew and upgrade Winnipeg streets;
• new infrastructure to support CentrePort Canada including a Trans-Canada Highway bypass at Headingley;
• new permanent flood protection for communities along the Assiniboine and Souris rivers, lakes Manitoba and St. Martin; and
• targeted funding of $75 million for municipal roads and bridges, in addition to a $700-million investment in bridges and overpasses provincewide.

K what?! Say it ain't so.. The promises continue.
Originally Posted by Riverman View Post
You mean the lies continue.
Originally Posted by CoryB View Post
In terms of interchanges on the Perimeter there are four that seem to bee on the "near" term radar:

Waverly - preparation for the HWY 75 bypass
HWY 6 - CentrePort related for the "northern gateway"
HWY 2/3 "Oak Bluff" - high accident prone area
HWY 59 - the long over due one.

The "near" term plan seems to reduce as many at grade crossing from the Perimeter as possible focusing on the 59 to 75 route first under the pretense it is related to the CentrePort project. This means that St Marys and St Annes are currently lower priorities, I am sure in part due to the land acquisitions that are needed at those sites. With the exception of Oak Bluff the other near terms ones seem to largely have the required land either owned or highly undeveloped currently.
Originally Posted by rrskylar View Post
What was the breakdown on funding by each level of govt.? IMO the centreport roadway was pretty far down the list on infrastructure priorities for this city and province. Build it and they will come may turn into "road to nowhere"!
Originally Posted by CoryB View Post
CCW, as it is today, was not a waste of money even if none of the businesses it was built to support develop. CCW effectively replaced Inkster between 90 and the Perimeter. That was a hazardous stretch of road as there was significant truck traffic on a high-speed two-lane road. Having it replaced with a four-lane divided roadway is a welcome change.

In the near term CCW and CPT will connect up to form the northern east-west expressway similar to what Bishop will be in the south.
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