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JMO_0121 Jul 3, 2008 1:07 AM

Where are you Harry??
Im getting scared!! Where is Harry with his outstanding pictures? I haven't seen an update of the site in a couple days? Please Harry, come back!!!

SolarWind Jul 3, 2008 3:16 AM

July 2, 2008

UberAlles Jul 3, 2008 4:50 AM


Originally Posted by JMO_0121 (Post 3649905)
Im getting scared!! Where is Harry with his outstanding pictures? I haven't seen an update of the site in a couple days? Please Harry, come back!!!

There isn't a whole lot changing lately while CASE leaves and other work gets going. I'm not sure the pictures would show much of anything that has changed.

Sorry, but this will be a slow month.
(Now watch them start on the mat tomorrow and make me look foolish)

HiddenMouse Jul 3, 2008 1:30 PM

Who says this isn't a rent-to-own deal?

BVictor1 Jul 3, 2008 1:57 PM

A-bit more information from a source of mine:


Next steps will take a few months - but you won't see
much going on. CASE should wrap up in about 4-weeks. Then the entire
neighborhood will be getting a utility upgrade - and all the
wiring, etc has to be done. Second, work at the bottom of the cofferdam
for utilities and elevator shafts. Nothing sexy for a while.

aaron38 Jul 3, 2008 2:08 PM


Originally Posted by BVictor1 (Post 3650894)
Second, work at the bottom of the cofferdam
for utilities and elevator shafts

Well that sounds like the mat pour to me. What work could they do on elevator shafts without the mat in place first?

Loopy Jul 3, 2008 2:46 PM


Originally Posted by HiddenMouse (Post 3650838)
Who says this isn't a rent-to-own deal?

Prism Development. welcome to the forum!

ChiPsy Jul 3, 2008 2:55 PM


Originally Posted by aaron38 (Post 3650916)
Well that sounds like the mat pour to me. What work could they do on elevator shafts without the mat in place first?

Unless it was languaged loosely to mean they'll be working on utilities that will feed the elevator shafts...(?)

But why would they have singled out the phrase "elevator shafts" as the reference for what's bound to be comprehensive utilities work -- So I agree that best odds are for a (fairly soon) mat pour, although I don't want to set my hopes too high. If it's indeed the mat pour, it *will* be sexy!

harryc Jul 3, 2008 6:09 PM

July 02 - Lunch
From above

higer res
2007 series
2008 Q1 series
2008 Q2 series

Plumbing work


Some caisson tops re-buried

Updates will be a bit spotty over the next few weeks due to holidays, training, and camping.

UberAlles Jul 3, 2008 7:30 PM

^^^ No problem. You deserve a vacation. Enjoy your camping.

From what I get from BVic's post is that we won't be seeing much happening for a few months. You'll just be seeing the utilities work.
Also I wouldn't expect the mat pour till September.
Enjoy your summers folks.

Chitown Jul 3, 2008 8:24 PM

I get the camping and holidays, but training? Does that mean you're getting trained for something, training someone for something, or riding trains?

harryc Jul 3, 2008 8:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chitown (Post 3651801)
I get the camping and holidays, but training? Does that mean you're getting trained for something, training someone for something, or riding trains?

D-Trace ( Solaris 10 )

SolarWind Jul 4, 2008 1:53 AM

July 2, 2008

JMO_0121 Jul 4, 2008 2:02 AM

:previous: Great shots SolarWind and Harry!! you dont know how much these pictures will be worth in like 5+ years when the site will look very different.

Dalton Jul 4, 2008 5:03 AM

Will Kelleher continue to fund this project without waiting for a bank loan? He probably could continue out-of-pocket without interuption if he restricts the next contract to the mat pour and garage. Anyone have any inkling who might get the contract for the underground work and when they might be able to start?

SlatsGrobnik Jul 4, 2008 2:23 PM


Originally Posted by Dalton (Post 3652750)
Will Kelleher continue to fund this project without waiting for a bank loan? He probably could continue out-of-pocket without interuption if he restricts the next contract to the mat pour and garage. Anyone have any inkling who might get the contract for the underground work and when they might be able to start?

That's all anyone has been talking about for at least the last ten pages.

honte Jul 4, 2008 5:49 PM


Originally Posted by cbotnyse (Post 3649369)
I know, but it just doesn't make sense to us mere mortals I guess. Is the Spire really worth that much more? I guess we'll see.

I'll be one of those price insensitive people one day. :notacrook:

Let's suppose they only allow this deal on 200 units. Then remember they are only providing the incentive for two years after opening - those years being the time when the novelty of living in America's tallest building will be at its peak. It seems like a very good gamble to me that enough people will want that novel experience for the first years after the building's opening.

the urban politician Jul 8, 2008 1:38 AM

Not a single post in 3 days?


Dalton Jul 8, 2008 1:45 AM

OK. Case is packing up their toys and going home. There's no new contractor signed to continue work, and Kelleher has no bank financing lined up to continue construction.

Not that I want to see this happen, but how long with no activity before this project is considered "on hold", like Waterview? If nothing happens by the end of July, would it be fair to assume the project is in trouble?

NYC4Life Jul 8, 2008 2:10 AM

For the Chicagoans, when can we expect the first steel beams to rise? Also is that hole the same diameter and circumference that the Spire will be?

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