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  1. Should we be forcing people to change their habbits with fees? Is it free choice?
  2. Houston's Downtown gets an oasis
  3. Cafe Capitalism, San Francisco Style
  4. Foreclosures come to McMansion country
  5. L.A's gearing up for density wars
  6. Creative infusion sparks Downtown Oakland revival
  7. Future Perth!! Help
  8. Two Tales of Congestion Pricing... or the car addiction in America
  9. nYc congestion pricing dies
  10. Foreclosure map - How is your city doing?
  11. 10 Fastest growing counties in the U.S. 2000-2007
  12. An Alaska-Chicago pipeline?
  13. 50 largest U.S. Metros 2020 projection.Revised 3-2008
  14. NYT: Sisters in Idiosycnracy
  15. "Why I Let My 9 Year-Old Son Ride the Subway Alone"
  16. If Things Get Tough...Where Might You Move To??
  17. Housing + Transportation Affordability Index
  18. T.O.: Who needs backyards? condo families make the most of their buildings & location
  19. The incredible shrinking city
  20. wildlife in the CITY: cougar shot and killed on chicago's northside
  21. NYT | How Epidemics Helped Shape the Modern Metropolis
  22. From Sprawl to Tall: Your thoughts on Critical Densification
  23. Broadband Champs: Yeah, you guessed it.
  24. NEW YORK: Manhattan to the Bronx
  25. Are cities that are percieved not to be prone to natural disasters prepared
  26. What city is this?
  27. Rowhouses for RICH people in your city?
  28. Urban Parks
  29. "Stepsister" cities flourish in the shadows
  30. Cities surrounded by another city
  31. What can ordinary citizens do to fight suburban sprawl?
  32. Grand Theft Auto IV
  33. What Is "The American Dream" Now??....
  34. Car-less society... when did you/ when will you go car-free?
  35. How would high-speed transportation affect cities?
  36. Cargo bikes for greener business deliveries
  37. Moscow - the city of excess, parties, and fun: Don't even compare NY to it
  38. Most popular Cities for Athletes
  39. Philadelphia Raises Enough Money to Retain a Masterpiece by Eakins
  40. Best City Maps
  41. What is the most densely populated square mile on earth?
  42. Iconic Name Would Endure in Chicago [Wrigley]
  43. Too much: A few questions regarding skyscraper bulk.
  44. Place: Boston streets a tangled, wonderful web
  45. The Death and Life of Great American Cities
  46. Big Stink in Boise; Dogs off Leash: yes, no?
  47. density calculation
  48. Map of All Continental US Streets
  49. Travelers name their top 100 destinations
  50. 30km.ca: Nuclear plants a danger to Toronto
  51. Do Movies and Plays Portray Urban Life Correctly..??
  52. Vallejo, CA declares Chapter 9 bankruptcy; more cities to follow?
  53. EXTREME "intersection" MAKE-OVERS
  54. Edge Cities - Pros and Cons
  55. Expressway landscaping
  56. Cities with the most "enraged" and nicest drivers
  57. A Frenzy Of Filming In Philly
  58. Philadelphia: Judge again rejects foes of Barnes move
  59. BRILLIANT Urban Design Speech (James Howard Kunstler - The tragedy of suburbia)
  60. Motorcycles not welcome in Atlanta's new Urban utopia
  61. 2008 Top 50 U.S. destinations for Memorial Day Weekend.
  62. Stranded Cities: One Man's Plea for Urban, Fuel-Efficient Living
  63. Philly Theater Boom: From Broad Street to Broadway- and Back
  64. U.S. City of the Year: Chicago
  65. Map of Pennsylvania counties ranked by per capita income
  66. In less than 3 years, Shreveport has passed Austin as a film hotbed
  67. Bracing for a Quake
  68. Is Amsterdam turning into a prudish backwater?
  69. INDY: 2012 Super Bowl
  70. If you don't make over $100K a year, how do you thrive in NYC?
  71. KC Co-thread: A tale of three "centres"
  72. Worlds highest land prices finally cooling
  73. Downtown Of The Month – Milwaukee, Wi
  74. Manhattan falls in global ranking of most expensive office space
  75. Your City's Most Upscale / Dangerous Neighborhoods
  76. San Francisco: The Seven Year Rich
  77. Houston tops Kiplinger's Best Cities to Live, Work and Play
  78. Cities Across the Globe Without Significant Bodies of Water
  79. Carbon Footprint of American Metros
  80. Another NYC Crane Collapse
  81. The 5 Friendliest Cities in America
  82. Your city in adverse weather conditions.
  83. Chicago: Growing Theatre District
  84. SHock to Philly & International Museum Community: Museum Dir. Anne D'Hanoncourt Dies
  85. The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
  86. Looking towards Census 2010
  87. America's Suburbs: An Age of Transformation: The Economist
  88. NYT | The New, New City
  89. Water-Starved California Slows Development
  90. Antimodern architecture and urban planning: Léon Krier
  91. What is Richmond,VA like?
  92. Asian & E. European cities catching up as centers of global commerce
  93. A Whiff of Naples Arrives in Hamburg
  94. Fastest way to get around NYC
  95. Major US City Preparedness for an Oil Crisis
  96. Google adds 37 new cities to it's Street Views
  97. Play’s version of Springs is not all ‘Beautiful’
  98. The next Barcelona, Bari Italy. Bari 2015
  99. Houston tops in Business Weeks Best City for your job study
  100. New York City to Experiment With Car-Free Streets