

Status: Built
• 5 highrise buildings
• 5 total structures
• 5 drawn towers

Pila is a town along the Gwda River, and the largest town in the northern part of Greater Poland. It's also the administrative center for Pila County, and known parks and openspace.

Official Municipal Website: http://www.pila.pl/index.php

Building Search  

Building Status Default  • All  • Built  • Under Construction  • On Hold  • Proposed  • Stale Proposal  • Cancelled  • Destroyed  • Vision  • Fantasy

Listing 1 to 6 of 6 buildings
Hotel Gromada14built1987(1)
Krolowej Jadwigi 2513built(1)
Krolowej Jadwigi 2313built(1)
Krolowej Jadwigi 2113built(1)
Wodna 211built(1)
TON Staszycebuilt(1)