
Plymouth ENG
United Kingdom

Status: Built
• 11 highrise buildings
• 12 total structures
• 5 drawn towers

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Building Status Default  • All  • Built  • Under Construction  • On Hold  • Proposed  • Stale Proposal  • Cancelled  • Destroyed  • Vision  • Fantasy

Listing 1 to 13 of 13 buildings
Beckley Point23built2017
Tamar Road Bridgebuilt1961(1)
Chichester House19built(1)
Civic Centre15built
Tavy House16built1964(1)
Tamar House16built1964(1)
Lynher House16built(1)
Mary Newman Hall of Residence12built
Western Trust & Savings Ltd.8built
Marlborough House13built1975
Morley Court12built1967
Home Parkbuilt2001(1)
Intercity House10built(1)