
Hotel Attraction

Church Street, Financial District, Manhattan
New York City NY United States

Building Uses
 - hotel
 - monument
 - observation
Structural Types
 - highrise
 - tower

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Spire1181 ft
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Architect: Antoni Gaudí


• Initially designed by Architect Gaudí between 1908 and 1911, commissioned by some North American business people, boasting fully Gaudinian style forms, with a profusion of parabolic arches and conoidal cupolas, to be situated in site where it was WTC twin towers, and probably was unrealistic for its time. Not much known about its origin, remaining unknown until 1956, when a report called "When the New World called Gaudí" by Joan Matamala i Flotats was published.

• At time of its vision, it would be the tallest building in world and in city.

• The drawings appeared again, thanks to Llorenç Matamala, Gaudí’s friend and collaborator, as basis proposals for the rebuilding of the Ground Zero of Manhattan.

• Info Pages: http://danielmitsui.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/scraper.jpg

• Designs:
1- http://blog.miragestudio7.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/antonio_gaudi_new_york_city.jpg
2- http://blog.miragestudio7.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/antonio_gaudi_new_york_city_2.jpg
3- http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/0,1518,grossbild-237050-231885,00.html
4- http://gridskipper.com/travel/images/matamala%20drawing%20of%20Gaudi%20American%20hotel011.jpg

• Modelling in CAS.

Wikipedia Entry

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